Global Health Justice

January 25, 2022

Biggest Roadblock to Biden-Convened COVID-19 Summit’s Success: Fealty to Moderna and Pfizer – Linked Article

By Asia Russell, Jessica Bassett and Brook Baker


Please see the original article by   and  from Health Gap published on 9/20/2021.



Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, political officials and global health professionals have blindly trusted Pfizer and Moderna to work towards the more equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Now more than a year since the distribution of their first vaccine doses, Pfizer and Moderna have continued to prioritize profit over human life. Big pharma’s failure to equitably distribute vaccine doses warrants involvement by global leaders. It is within the power of global leaders to compel Pfeizer and Modern to waive intellectual property rights, which would drastically increase COVID-19 vaccine availability, while reducing the cost per vaccine dose and increasing global COVID-19 vaccine coverage. Global leaders should stop protecting big pharma, and prioritize global COVID-19 vaccination.

Comment by: Jarred Rimby