Global Health Justice


January 27, 2024

Tim Schwab & “The Bill Gates Problem” Town Hall Seattle Podcast

By GHJ Team

Tim Schwab, author of  the recently published “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the myth of the good billionaire,” headlined a Seattle Town Hall event in December 2024 sponsored by the Community Alliance for Global Justice. In this podcast of the event, Tim explains how Bill Gates’ uses his foundation as a vehicle for unaccountable…

August 25, 2019

Gates Foundation: Improve global health without addressing structural causes

By GHJ Team

Nicholas Kulish (NYTimes podcast/discussion) discusses how Bill Gates has defined problems and solutions to global health, avoiding structural change and protecting Big Pharma patent protections,  while burnishing his image as a global health savior: “Bill Gates is, in many ways, a representative figure…of an era where private companies have such a huge say in…