Global Health Justice


Colonialism is a longstanding historical and social phenomenon as much as well as a mindset. Throughout the history of colonialism, neo-colonialism, and contemporary practices of global health assistance are the dominant relationships of power and privilege that are perpetuated by people and institutions of the global north toward those of the global south.

October 16, 2021

Can the Gates Foundation Decolonize itself?

By GHJ Team

Gates Foundation: The Gates Foundation Avoids a Reckoning on Race and Power | The Nation Can philanthropy decolonize? Only if wealthy donors grapple with the difference between giving away money and actually sharing power. By Tim Schwab  OCTOBER 2, 2021


November 1, 2020

How we talk about global health

By David Verga PATH

How we talk about global health: David Verga (PATH) November 2020: As James Baldwin points out in Notes of a Native Son, “the root function of language is to control the universe by describing it.” Regardless of our intent, the words we use have material consequences. As NGOs, the way we describe our work shapes the way others…


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