Global Health Justice

Global Theft

Much of our global health work is defined by what we can do – or we can’t do – in the context of resource scarcity. But we also know that most countries have more than enough resources to achieve health for all. Resource scarcity is largely a myth, and the real problem is global theft of those resources. The GH community, however, rarely draws attention to the systematic theft of these resources, either by, or enabled by, people in rich countries. Rich individuals, including those considered global health saviors, and their large corporations move money from accounts in one country to another in order to avoid paying taxes, and not contributing their fair share to efforts that could improve global health. Other examples include expropriation of raw materials, like water, without fair compensation, patents and trade regimens that are highly unfair, currency speculation, corporate practices that engender poverty wages and dangerous working conditions, and environmental devastation.

May 31, 2022

[BOOKS] on Global Theft

By Steve Gloyd

Here are some excellent books on global theft that relate to global health: A Brief History of Equality, by Thomas Picketty (2022) An excellent history of  social/political movements and resulting national policies in dozens of countries that have markedly improved equality since 1780. With impressive data, he shows that progressive taxes on income and wealth…


May 18, 2022

[PODCAST] USA – global leader on the 2022 Financial Secrecy Index

By Naomi Fowler, Tax Justice Network

Naomi Fowler (Tax Justice Network) May 2022: “We’re hearing a lot from world leaders about sanctions against Russian oligarchs at the moment. We know financial secrecy is what the powerful, the corrupt, and criminals really love. With financial secrecy they can undermine the democratic will of any country’s government. They can drain the tax revenues that…

March 19, 2022

Tax justice network: The 4 Rs of tax justice

By Tax Justice Network

If revenue losses due to global tax abuse were reversed, every year 17 million more people could benefit from clean water and 34 million from basic sanitation – preventing 600,000 child deaths and 73,000 maternal deaths.  International cooperation to progressively raise more state revenue,  tax policies to foster social redistribution in the context of extreme…


January 25, 2022

[VIDEO] Global Theft in Global Health

By Steve Gloyd

This the first in a series of short videos on the topic of global theft and GH So much of global health these days is defined by what we can do – or we can’t do – in the context of resource scarcity. Low cost interventions like, say, task shifting to CHWs, or to TBAs…


[VIDEO] “Rich people in rich countries enable African leaders to engage in corruption”

By Frieda Mboshono Theofelus


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