October 17, 2024
Racism in U.S. Hospitals: Black Women Face Unnecessary C-Sections

C-section delivery is the most common surgery in American hospitals, accounting for about 30 percent of births- double the proportion recommended by the World Health Organization. While lifesaving in some cases, unnecessary C-sections increase the risk of complications for mothers and result in higher medical bills. A recent study showed that Black women in the…
May 16, 2023
African academics – barriers, issues and the impact of international researchers

Photo Credit: Mark Crane
June 1, 2020
The Looting Machine, by Tom Burgis Moneyland, by Oliver Bullough Gangsters of Capitalism, by Jonathan M. Katz
Useful Archives/Books: The Looting Machine, Tom Burgess Moneyland, Oliver Bullough Gangsters of Capitalism, Jonathan M. Katz