Global WACh

Talks and Events

November 3, 2014

Birth Defects in Iraq: The Consequences of War


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iraqtalkOn October 27th, Global WACh co-sponsored a series of presentations entitled: “Birth Defects in Iraq: The Consequences of War.”  Dr. Muhsin Al-Sabbak, an obstetrician at Basra Maternity Hospital and Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, an environmental toxicologist, shared their knowledge of the devastating effects of war on the children of Iraq.

Dr. Al-Sabbak began by describing his experiences as a physician in Iraq, followed by statistics and figures to help the audience understand the gravity of the situation. One of the more impactful statistics was the rate of birth defects, which in 1995 stood at 1.37 per 1,000 births and in 2003 had risen to 23 per 1,000 births. There has been an estimated increase of 60% in the last decade. He shared pictures and stories from his hospital about the children born there with life threatening defects. “I have thousands of these pictures,” he said, later revealing his own personal tragedy of his young nephew who had died from Leukemia, likely as a result of the environmental poisoning.

Mozhgan Savabieasfahani spoke next, explaining the causes of the environmental pollution in more detail. The main issue, she says is the waste from weapons, explosives, and munitions left by the US military in “burn pits” the size of football fields. Iraqi citizens are exposed to chemicals and toxins, often distributed by dust storms in the area, and the effects may be shown for generations to come.

Iraqi mothers and children are not the only ones in danger. Many U.S. soldiers came home with ailments directly related to the negligence associated with these burn pits, and some are even seeking justice. This gives Savabieasfahani hope that one day accountability will drive cleanup efforts.

“We will keep reaching out to people like you,” she said, emphasizing the need for word to spread. Both Al-Sabbak and Savabieasfahani have been on a speaking tour in the U.S. in hope that the issue will gain more attention.

The two also spoke at an event at UW on October 24th entitled “Environmental Poisoning of Iraq: Why Academics Must Speak Out.” Here is the video.




October 29, 2014

Global WACh’s Technical Symposium on Strengthening the Nutrition Continuum

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Caf_babiesThere are 7 billion people in the world and nearly 2 billion are undernourished and 2 billion are overweight or obese. Last week, the team at Global WACh held a fascinating and informative learning symposium at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Experts from The University of Washington, Seattle Children’s Hospital, PATH, and 1,000 Days came together for a full day of discussion and presentation on the global burdens of malnutrition.

There were three main sessions throughout the day: Basic Science and Discovery;  Implementation; and National Systems Building, each including impactful presentations with quite a few staggering facts and figures. Throughout the day we were presented with new ideas, innovative techniques for testing, all with a healthy air of hopeful idealism. To see the presentations, you can view the slides on our Nutrition Think Tank webpage. It was wonderful to have a day to discuss what we can do to help ensure healthy, happy, and nourished lives around the world.

Thanks to all of our speakers and to the Gates Foundation for hosting!

October 8, 2014

Birth Defects in Iraq: The Consequences of War


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Iraqi_Lecture_Event_10_27_2014_FinalGlobal WACh is proud to co-sponsor the next Washington Global Health Alliance Discovery Series highlighting the effects of war on Iraqi mothers and infants. Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, an environmental toxicologist from the University of Michigan will be giving a talk Friday, October 24th at 12:30pm entitled “Environmental Poisoning of Iraq: Why Academics Must Speak Out.” Dr. Muhsin Al-Sabbak who is an obstetrician at Basrah Maternity Hospital will speak on Monday, October 27th on “The Epidemic of Birth Defects in Iraq: Conversations with an Iraqi Doctor.”

Monday’s event is open to the public with a reception starting at 5:30pm. Dr. Al-Sabbak will speak at 6:00 at University Temple United Methodist Church (1415 NE 43rd St. Seattle). Please join us for this very important and enlightening event. For more information, you can email

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