2022- 2023 GPSS Pre-nominated Candidates Information

The elections that will decide the next year’s GPSS officers will happen on May 18th (Wed), 5:30 pm in HUB 334 and on Zoom.

The following candidates have met eligibility criteria and have turned in their materials by the date posted in the 2022 Elections Guide. Application materials are hyperlinked. Please note GPSS Bylaws allow for candidates to run for positions up until the vote takes place. Their information is not included at this time. Candidates listed here and additional candidates who run from the floor and meet eligibility criteria will be listed on the ballot.

Please refer to the GPSS Bylaws for updated information of officer job descriptions.
For inquiries regarding absentee ballots, please contact gpssvpin@uw.edu.




Name   Information
A.J Balatico   Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form

 Vice President of Internal Affairs

Name   Information
Davon Thomas   Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form

Vice President of External Affairs

Name   Information
Joel Anderson    Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form

Vice President of Equity & Inclusion

Name   Information
Michael Saunders    Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form
Marty Varela    Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form

Vice President of Finance

Name   Information
Katherine Forneret    Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form
Van Mai   Resume | Statement of Objectives Candidate Filling Form

Vice President of Administration

Name   Information
Matthew Mitnick   Resume | Statement of Objectives | Candidate Filling Form