We are currently accepting liaison applications for 2022 to 2023.
The application form can be found here.
Please reach out to gpssua@uw.edu or gpsspres@uw.edu for any queries.
A list of Liaison Positions is posted below or you can download the PDF version.
Committee | Description |
Advisory Committee on Student Conduct | The Advisory Committee on Student Conduct (Advisory Committee) is charged by the President with reviewing and evaluating student conduct processes and outcomes, making recommendations to the Faculty Council on Student Affairs (FCSA) for potential revisions to policies and procedures, and providing an annual report regarding student conduct at the University of Washington to the President and FCSA. |
Advisory Council on Trademarks and Licensing | Consistent with our institutional goal of ensuring the humane and ethical treatment of workers, the UW has acted to uphold the rights of workers in factories that manufacture products with UW’s name and logo. |
Architectural Commission Student Member | The University of Washington Board of Regents established an architectural commission in December 1957 to advise the board and the president on matters concerning the design, function, performance, and environmental integrity of the university’s buildings, landscapes, infrastructure, and urban amenities. |
Arts and Sciences Advisory Council for Students | The Arts and Sciences Advisory Council for Students (ASACS) will advise the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences on issues relating to budgeting, tuition, financial aid, classroom improvement, curriculum, and other areas of importance for the college. |
ASUW Senate | The Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) is the student government at the University of Washington. At ASUW, elected and hired employees and volunteers work to represent student voices on campus and provide programming, events, and resources in order for students to succeed, flourish, and enjoy college. |
Bias Incident Advisory Committee | This Bias Incident Reporting Tool is for NON-EMERGENCY incidents. |
Board of Regents | The University of Washington Board of Regents governs and stewards the University in succession to past citizens, and for the benefit of present and future citizens of the State of Washington, as provided by statute. |
Board of Student Publications | The purpose of the Board of Student Publications is to centralize authority and responsibility for general matters pertaining to The Daily of the University of Washington and Student Directory and other publications authorized by Board. The Publisher/Editorial Adviser, who is responsible to the Board, shall have the authority and responsibility for day-to-day operations of the publications. |
Campus Sustainability Fund | The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) grew out of a vision of the student body to have a more substantive engagement with the University of Washington's sustainability efforts. |
City/University Community Advisory Committee | To advise the City and the University on the orderly physical development of the greater University area |
Committee on Student Records | A record of applicants for UW admission into an undergraduate, graduate, fellowship, or residency program, residence hall or student classification who were either denied; who were accepted but not entered; or who never completed the application process. |
Dawg Pack | Dawg Pack grants full-time UW students access to all home Football and Men's Basketball games |
Distinguished Teaching Awards Selection Committee | Award review committees will select recipients for the awards based on predefined criterias |
Diversity Council | Membership on the Diversity Council is an opportunity to review and advocate for critical diversity issues |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee | The advisory committee enables the board to more directly support and advance the University’s goals on equity and inclusion and bring an equity and inclusion focus to pressing issues |
Environmental Health and Safety Advisory Board | It is a University administrative unit that assists organizational units for health and safety |
Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) | Environmental Stewardship Committee provides recommendations for environmental policies at the University of Washington |
Faculty Council on Academic Standards | FCAS shall be responsible for matters of university policy relating to the academic affairs of the university, such as admissions policy, scholastic standards, university graduation requirements, and inter-institutional academic standards. |
Faculty Council on Benefits and Retirement | FCBR shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to faculty retirement, insurance and benefits. |
Faculty Council on Faculty Affairs | FCFA shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to the interests of the faculty, such as appointment, tenure, promotion, professional leave, compensation (including salary and fringe benefits), academic freedom, standards of academic performance, and professional ethics. |
Faculty Council on Gender, Equity, and Justice | FCGEJ shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to the interests of gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. |
Faculty Council on Information Technology and Cybersecurity | FCITC shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to Information Technology and Security such as technology used for teaching and learning; videoconferencing; technology relating to hiring, merit, and promotion; collection and use of data; and research. |
Faculty Council on Race, Equity, and Justice | FCREJ shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to the interests of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) faculty |
Faculty Council on Research | FCR shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to research and scholarship. |
Faculty Council on Student Affairs | FCSA shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to non-academic student affairs such as financial aid, housing, regulation of social affairs, eligibility rules, intercollegiate athletics, and general student welfare. |
Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning | FCTL shall be responsible for all matters of policy, both academic and non-academic, relating to improvement of teaching and learning in the university; including distance learning, educational outreach, and summer quarter, and the use of educational technology in instruction. |
Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy | FCTCP shall be responsible for matters of academic and non-academic policy between and among the campuses of the University of Washington. |
Faculty Council on University Libraries | FCUL shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to libraries such as, but not limited to, collection development; services to students, faculty, and others; the system of libraries, including branch libraries; space needs; and budgetary requirements. |
Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations | The Advisory Committee on Faculty Code and Regulations advises and is responsible to the Senate Executive Committee in overseeing university regulations and the Faculty Code. |
Faculty Senate Committee on Campus Planning and Stewardship | FCCPS shall be responsible for all matters of policy relating to campus planning and specifically for reviewing and advising the administration on all matters relating to the physical environment of the campuses and other properties as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals, and quality of life at the University, including those relating to capital project prioritization, planning, and development; inclusive project processes and design considerations; adequacy and continuous improvement of campus learning environments; maintenance and improvements of campus landscapes; and attention to transportation, mobility, and accessibility. |
Faculty Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting | The Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting advises the administration and informs the Faculty Senate on long-range planning, preparation of budgets, and distribution of funds, with a particular focus on faculty concerns. |
Faculty Senate Executive Committee | The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) sets Faculty Senate agendas, helps the senate conduct business per the Faculty Code, and facilitates communication between the president and the faculty. |
Faculty Senate Legislative Representative | The duties shall be to represent the faculty in all matters of legislation affecting the university, and, to the extent necessary, to attend sessions of the state legislature and appear before legislative committees on behalf of the faculty. |
Faculty Special Committee on Intellectual Property and Commercialization | The Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Policy and Practice (ACIP3) is charged by the President and Faculty Senate Chair with reviewing the UW’s Intellectual Property policies and practices and evaluating whether they further the UW’s goals to stimulate the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge, information, art, and technology by and among faculty, students, staff, and the public. |
Financial Aid Advisory Committee | There are short-term loan funds and limited grants available through the UW Financial Aid office for emergencies that may help cover tuition, housing, etc., |
Graduate School Core Programs Advisory Board - First Generation | A first-gen graduate student is a student who is in the first generation of their family to earn a bachelor’s degree and who is now earning a graduate degree. Graduate Student Affairs (formerly Core Programs) is dedicated to supporting first-generation graduate students with innovative programming that amplifies their diverse voices and builds community at the University of Washington. |
Graduate School Core Programs Advisory Board - International | The International Graduate Student Advisory Board (IGSAB) was started in fall 2017 to inform Core Programs’ International Graduate Student Initiative, including resource sharing, event planning, advising and consultation. |
Graduate Student Equity and Excellence Advisory Board | GSEE provides leadership and advocacy to achieve equitable representation, access and success for graduate students of color at the University of Washington. |
Green Seed Fund | Seeks to engage faculty, students, and staff in opportunities that advance sustainable research while contributing to campus sustainability goals. |
Hall Health Advisory Committee | Provides exceptional medical and mental health care to our diverse student body as well as established non-student patients. Though all of the services, work is to promote lifelong well-being, achievement, and resilience. |
Hazing WAC Working Group | The University of Washington prohibits student organizations and their members from engaging individually or collectively in hazing activities. |
HUB Art Project Selection Committee | Acquiring and exhibiting art created exclusively by students supports their diverse artistic and creative abilities, encourages the expression of ideas and aesthetic concepts, and contributes significantly to the character of the HUB. |
HUB Board of Representatives | The HUB Board of Representatives, comprised of UW students, staff, faculty, and alumni, shall serve in an advisory capacity to the HUB |
Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee | Primary oversight of animal use at the University of Washington is the responsibility of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) |
Intellectual Property Management and Advisory Committee | It is charged by the President and Faculty Senate Chair with reviewing the UW’s Intellectual Property policies and practices and evaluating whether they further the UW’s goals to stimulate the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge, information, art, and technology by and among faculty, students, staff, and the public. |
International Student Advisory Committee | It is dedicated to serving international graduate students on campus through tailored professional development events and connections to community and campus resources. |
ISHIP Review Committee | It reviews student insurance applications |
Library Fines Appeals Committee | It reviews applications to waive library fines in compliance with adjudicative procedures under the Washington Administrative Code. |
Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award | To recognize outstanding mentoring of graduate students by faculty |
Mental Health Coalition | These primers developed by the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education provide information for classroom teachers to help them identify behaviors in the classroom that are symptomatic of mental health and other psychological issues, with the goal of directing teachers to appropriate resources for the students. |
President's Advisory Committee on Enterprise Risk Management | It is intended that the work of this executive-level committee will advance a broad understanding of and commitment to compliance and risk mitigation. |
Provost Advisory Committee for Students | To seek and consider the input and advice of the UW student body through the Provost’s Advisory Committee for Students (PACS) on Annual budgets, Tuition levels and state tuition policy proposals, Financial aid, Long-range budget and allocation planning |
Research Advisory Board | The Research Advisory Board (RAB) provides the Vice-Provost of Research with counsel on a wide variety of matters relating to the University of Washington’s research enterprise. |
Services and Activities Fee Committee | The Services and Activities Fee is a student levied, student distributed fee to support and enhance the out of class experience of students at the University of Washington Seattle. The Services and Activities Fee provides ongoing operational and capital funding for programs, which protect and enrich the cultural, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social well being of the student. |
Sponsorship Advisory Committee | The Sponsorship Advisory Committee shall advise on issues related to sponsorship, communicate broadly back to University units, and approve it. |
Standing Committee on Accessibility | Current Standing Committees are: Communications, Scholarship and Professional Development, Finance, Legislative, Outreach and Membership Engagement, Special Events. |
State Environmental Policy Act Advisory Committee (SEPA) | We oversee the rules and guidance for the state and we provide technical assistance to agencies, applicants, and citizens |
Student Disability Commission | Housed in the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW), the Student Disability Commission is a student run and led advocacy organization committed to serving students, staff and faculty with disabilities at UW. |
Student Regent Selection Committee | The University of Washington Board of Regents has the authority and responsibility to govern and set policy across the University |
Student Safety Advisory Board | The Student Safety Advisory Board (SSAB) was created to address issues and concerns that impact safety and security on the UW Seattle campus |
Student Technology Fee | The Student Technology Fee (STF), collected along with tuition, is a student-levied, student-distributed fee to provide and enhance technology and technological resources outside of the classroom for students |
Task Force on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response | The University of Washington is committed to showing national leadership in tackling the problem of sexual assault on college campuses. |
U-PASS Advisory Board | The Board works with advisers from UW Transportation Services and UW Student Life to represent student interest in the U-PASS program |
University Bookstore Trustee | The University Book Store has been an integral part of UW and its students, faculty, and staff for 120 year. |
University Transportation Committee | The University Transportation Committee (UTC) acts as expert counsel and a representative voice of the campus community on a wide variety of transportation |
Use of University Facilities Committee | The Use of University Facilities (UUF) committee establishes policies, guidelines and procedures for use of university facilities by UW students, faculty and staff and by members of the surrounding community. |
UW Alumni Association Board of Trustees | The Board of Trustees is responsible for managing UWAA affairs and setting the tone and direction for the association |
UW Impact - Legislative Advocacy Committee | UW Impact is the UW Alumni Association's legislative advocacy program, dedicated to mobilizing alumni on behalf of restoring state support for the UW and public higher education. |
UW Public Arts Commission | The primary purpose of this commission is to oversee the acquisition of artwork for the University campuses through the Washington State Arts Commission Art in Public Places Program |