Application for the 2022 – 2023 UW Student Regent

Applications are due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022.
Submit this application as well as its supporting materials as PDFs by emailing them to

Description of the Position

The Board of Regents consists of ten citizens appointed by the Governor. The Regents, in
whom authority rests as a collective body, and not as individuals, govern the University of
Washington, and select and evaluate its President. The administration of the University is
delegated, with certain exceptions, to the University President and the faculty, of which the
President is a member. As guardians of the public trust, and as a body, the Regents set
institutional missions, establish policies, and ensure the financial stability and academic
quality of the University. Since 1998 the tenth seat on the Board has been filled by a student,
chosen by the Governor from among three students nominated by a committee made up of
student leaders across all three UW campuses.

The Student Regent is not a student representative, a function filled by representatives of the
various student governments to the Board, but an independent guardian of the public trust
responsible to the citizens of the State of Washington. The Student Regent brings the
perspective of students past, present, and future to difficult decisions that may involve
balancing the interests of current and future students, and of students and the faculty or staff.
By custom, the Student Regent helps to plan agendas of the Academic and Student Affairs
Committee; helps to ensure the integration of all campuses of the University by regularly
convening student leaders to discuss issues before the Board and issues of particular and
common concern to students on the different campuses; and, each year, the is invited to
present a student-focused information item to the Board in May or June.

In compensation for their time and service, the Student Regent receives a scholarship for
tuition costs during his or her regency. Duties performed as Regent are reimbursed at the
applicable per diem rate, in accordance with Board policy. The time commitment required of
the Student Regent is considerable. They may, but need not necessarily, accept additional UW
employment, in any case not to exceed 100 percent time, as their schedule and coursework
permit, but must decline any tuition or fee waiver associated with that employment.

Please feel free to contact the GPSS President ( with any questions or
concerns about the application process. Additionally, the current Student Regent, Djelli
Berisha, may be reached at for questions about the position.