Participants Needed!


Exciting update! We are happy to report that we will be partnering with Harm Reduction Treatment, Training & Technical Solutions (HaRT3S) to support development of a mobile app version of our Harm Reduction Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (mHaRT-A).

The aims of this initial project are:

  1. Development of the mHaRT-A prototype
  2. Lab-based usability testing of mHaRT-A
  3. Feasibility and acceptability field study of mHaRT-A

We are excited to embark on this new project that builds on our strengths and community partnerships, while also pushing us outside our comfort zones in pursuit of more accessible and effective harm reduction treatment options for all!

All the best,

The HaRRT Center Team

Our Book on Harm Reduction is Now Available!

Drs. Collins and Clifasefi have released a book that goes over the history of harm reduction, empirical evidence for harm reduction treatment (HaRT), and provides practitioners with the tools to integrate harm reduction in daily practice. Input from community members is included and we would like to thank them for their valuable contribution to both this book and the work we do every day.

The authors are donating royalties to community-led harm-reduction organizations. You can find the link to purchase below, thank you for the support!

WA State Legislative Special Session

As the WA State legislative special session convenes today, let’s all remember to support people who have substance use disorders, not punish them. “It’s not only the right thing to do, it what works.” Read more on evidence-based ways to end the war on drugs in PubliCola op ed from HaRRT Center codirector, Susan Collins, today.”

Here’s the link:

Our WSU Spokane Team is Hiring!

We have posted a full time, Research Study Assistant role through WSU to work in collaboration with the UW HaRRT Center on our studies that intersect Native health and harm reduction treatment for substance use disorder. Currently, the primary projects on which this person will be assisting include randomized controlled trials of patient-centered and culturally aligned substance use interventions that we have codeveloped with community members with lived experience of substance use disorder and the community-based agencies that serve them.

The Research Study Assistant will be responsible for answering our study hotline, meeting with community partners and behavioral health treatment sites; ordering, managing and shipping materials to sites; and conducting repeated study interviews with participants regarding their sense of cultural connection, their alcohol use and related harm and their health-related quality of life.

We are looking forward to talking to applicants who have experience working in Native communities, care deeply about the Native community and are excited to support a more culturally aligned and acceptance-based way forward to working with people experiencing alcohol-related harm. Please forward the job description link below to your respective networks.…/Research-Study…

Read Our Publication On Harm Reduction Goal-Setting!

Our latest article written with our students in the Psych 499 class has been published in the journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. This article looks at the efficacy of harm reduction goal-setting from both our HaRT-A and HaRP studies.

Click here to read the article: Dual Study Describing Patient-Driven Harm Reduction Goal-Setting Among People Experiencing Homelessness and Alcohol Use Disorder

The HARTC Project is Hiring!

We are opening up a full time, Research Study Assistant role (and possibly more positions) through WSU to work in collaboration with the UW HaRRT Center and the Seattle Indian Health Board on our Harm Reduction Talking Circles (HaRTC) project.

The Research Study Assistant will be responsible for answering our study hotline, meeting with community partners and behavioral health treatment sites; ordering, managing and shipping materials to sites; and conducting repeated study interviews with participants regarding their sense of cultural connection, their alcohol use and related harm and their health-related quality of life. Spokane-based people are urged to apply; however, there may be some opportunity for remote/teleworking for people living in Washington State.

We are looking forward to talking to applicants who have experience working in Native communities, care deeply about the Native community and are excited to support a more culturally aligned and acceptance-based way forward to working with people experiencing alcohol-related harm. Please forward the job description link below to your respective networks.…/Research-Study…

Interested applicants should additionally submit a CV and letter of interest to Dr. Lonnie Nelson at

Thank you!

-The HaRTC Team