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Research Centers

Research Centers

The following research centers are housed within the HRT/3NJB site:

Brain Health

Pravetoni, Marco

Center for AIDS and STD (CFAS)

Soge, Olusegun O.
Wood, Gwen

Kidney Research Institute

Bansal, Nisha
De Boer, Ian H.
Himmelfarb, Jonathan (Director)
Kelly, Edward J
Kestenbaum, Bryan
Mehrotra, Rajnish
Rivara, Matthew B
Wong, Susan Pamela Yi
Zelnick, Leila

Neurodegeneration / Memory & Brain Wellness Center

Darvas, Martin
Gonzalez-Cuyar, Luis
Hanson, Angela
Levitt, Michael
Poolos, Nicholas
Reed, May J (Gerontology)
Shi, Min
Stewart, Tessandra
Walker, Melanie
Kim, Louis
Fillingham, Patrick
Carroll, Jeff

Neurodegeneration / BRaIN Lab

Keene, C. Dirk
Latimer, Caitlin
Nolan, Amber

Resuscitation Engineering Science Unit (RESCU)

St. John, Alexander E.
Stern, Susan
White, Nathan

Retrovirology Lab

Baird, Geoffrey
Greninger, Alex

Sepsis Center of Research Excellence (SCORE)

Arbabi, Saman
Batraju, Pavan
Brakenridge, Scott C.
Morrell, Eric D.
O’Keefe, Grant E.
Robinson, Bryce
Phan, Tam N.
Skerrett, Shawn J.
Stewart, Barclay T.
West, T. Eoin
Wurfel, Mark M.

Other individual Faculty with labs onsite

Del Zoppo, Gregory J. (Hematology)
Khokhlova, Tatiana D. (Gastroenterology)
Polyak, Stephen J. (Laboratory Medicine & Pathology)
Sabath, Daniel E. (Laboratory Medicine & Pathology)
Giacani, Lorenzo (Allergy & Infectious Diseases)

Additional research centers located at
Harborview Medical Center (HMC)

Eye Institute
Global Health
Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center (HIPRC)
HIPRC Methods Core
Northwest Biospecimen
WWAMI Institute for Simulation Healthcare (WISH)