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Climate Change Resources

Have you found a web site or other source for especially high quality information on climate change?

If so, please post links and descriptions here for everyone to use.

Climate Change Resources >


Valentin 987

Hi everyone!
First and foremost, I’d like to thank the ISCFC’s crew for letting us be a part of this project. I truly think that it can help us understand how our habits can impact our carbon footprint and the environment by the way.
Nevertheless, I’m living on an Island and I really want to understand how we could make things go better. After many researches, I have concluded that the only way to  reverse the trend is not modifying our way to consume but reducing our consumption. We also have to change some of our behaviors but first, we have to REDUCE our consumption. Finding new green resources is full of progresse but it doesn’t mean anything if we use them to increase our consumption. I’d like to hear your feedbacks on this, in the mean time, make sure you completely turn off your computer after you’ve read this ; )
Valentin CARRE.

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