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Climate Change Resources

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Climate Change Resources

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Ashleyusa   2024-04-24 07:14:40
Climate Change

Climate change is caused by extreme conditions when the earth gets too warm, ice starts to melt, and flooding happens. To reduce gas emissions being put into the atmosphere, we can start using clean energy sources such as solar and wind power. improving technology to save energy, and plant more trees to absorb these harmful gasses. Using better methods for transportation like using more electric than gas cars. The governments are able to enforce pollution regulations reducing the amount of gas that's released into our atmosphere. Individuals can contribute to this by conserving energy, resources, recycling, and making environmentally friendly choices. By adopting cleaner transportation like electric vehicles and public transit, the emissions from vehicles are greatly reduced. Sustainable practices like organic farming and reduced fertilizer use can lower greenhouse gas emissions. Government policies and regulations play a big role in controlling these emissions like the pollution standards mentioned earlier. By spreading awareness, it increases and improves the public's understanding of climate change and how harmful it's starting to become for the planet. Investing in research and development for clean energy technologies accelerates the transition to a low carbon economy. Also, encouraging innovation in carbon capture and storage technologies can further reduce emissions from industrial processes. Promoting sustainable land management preserves carbon sinks like forests and wetlands. Transitioning to a circular economy model minimizes waste and reduces emissions associated with production and consumption. Addressing deforestation and promoting reforestation efforts restore ecosystems and help maintain carbon dioxide levels. The governments can incentivize emission reductions through carbon pricing mechanisms and emissions programs. Public infrastructure investments in renewable energy support these goals. By implementing these measures we can very easily reduce these harmful gasses and use the proper resources to control climate change and save our planet.
https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/wha … ate-change

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Darren Hunt   2024-04-24 00:20:00

Earth may never be the same if we humans keep living like this. Everything would be different due to climate change. But today I will share with you how to avoid it. First of all, what is climate change? Climate change is changing average weather, making it warmer, wetter, or drier for a short or long period. How can humans do differently to avoid the effects of climate change? In this paper, I will explore the concept of climate change, its primary causes, the impact of the greenhouse effect, and steps we can all take to lower its effects.

    The Greenhouse effect is a metaphor for what is happening to Earth now. A greenhouse is a house with glass on all sides and plants inside. We are allowing sunlight to get into it. When the Sun sets the heat will still be trapped inside keeping the plants warm throughout the night or during winter. Humans are also inside our little greenhouse when we emit too many greenhouse gasses, including Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water Vapor. Before humans had the right amount of greenhouse gasses, but due to human activities, we now experience more greenhouse gasses, making Earth hotter. These greenhouse gasses may come from burning fossil fuels and driving cars. This makes Earth hotter due to the amount of gasses we are making, and letting it be trapped in our atmosphere. We are inside the greenhouse trapped with all this heat. Completely eradicating climate change to 0 would be impossible. But we can still slowly decrease the number we have right now. I will tell you how we can slowly decrease climate change. First, we could save energy at home. If you're not in a room you can close the lights, or you would be wasting energy and money. Switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. We can reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle. All these could slowly decrease or stop climate change.
We need to start thinking about the next generation. If we don't act now the next generation would need to clean up the mess that we made. So why not start doing it and then let humans suffer?
    Now we know how humans can act differently to avoid climate change. In short, we could change the world if we start doing this. In conclusion, we humans must act on climate change.

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isabellamenorca   2024-04-23 05:39:05
The climate change

In my country the climate is ver beautifull and wonderfull. And anything alse

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Carl2010good   2024-04-23 03:44:20
What happens if we loose the ability to plant as many trees?

What happens if we loose the ability to plant as many trees? If we want to breathe fresh air outside while walking to get groceries, we need plants. We need to have more plants than the production of CO2 by cars, oil industries, etc. No matter how hard we try, CO2 will always be there to ruin our days. The Ozone layer got healed during Covid time since there was a lockdown and people didn’t use cars (no one could go outside) and the Earth healed by half. But, now it is disintegrating again since there was a boost in the economy since the last 4 years and we need to produce CO2 for that. Too much CO2 for plants to use and to make oxygen can kill the plants, and the population is growing due to large economic growth. And we need to cut down trees for food, homework assignments, furniture, paper to wipe your butt and to blow your nose, etc. If we cut down too many tress, the whole world will fall apart and human civilization can die out.

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Tode   2024-04-19 01:48:36
Save planet

Economisesc  energie electrică

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Aaron Yeh   2024-04-16 00:32:15
Global warming

Use less air conditioning and heating

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pbaroody   2024-03-22 07:43:54 (Last post: 2024-03-22 08:14:16)
Onshore wind turbines

Onshore wind turbines are the obvious choice for clean energy generation, as they outperform offshore wind turbines in many different ways. Onshore wind turbines have three main advantages that set them apart from their competitor, offshore wind turbines.
Firstly, onshore wind turbines offer substantial cost advantages over offshore turbines. Onshore turbines are nearly four thousand dollars per kilowatt-hour cheaper, therefore they provide quality wind power at a mere fraction of the cost. This affordability makes clean, easy to harvest energy accessible for anyone. According to the American Wind Energy Association,small onshore wind turbines cost between $3,000 to $5,000 for every kilowatt of power. This makes them considerably better than offshore wind turbines.
Secondly, the ease of installation and maintenance is a huge defining feature of the onshore wind turbines. Due to their convenient locations on land, they are a lot more accessible. This leads to reduced downtime and fewer repairs. This then translates into less disruption for all th
Lastly, onshore wind turbines demonstrate a clear environmental advantage over offshore alternatives. By harnessing wind power on land, these turbines minimize the ecological impact associated with offshore installations. Their operation produces clean, natural energy, contributing to a healthier environment and sustainable future.
In conclusion, the evidence supports the assertion that onshore wind turbines surpass offshore options in terms of cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance, and environmental benefits. As a result, prioritizing the development and utilization of onshore wind energy stands as a prudent choice for advancing clean energy initiatives and mitigating environmental concerns.

Thomashollins   2024-03-22 08:14:16

I agree, onshore wind turbines are very helpful to reducing carbon emission. They produce a lot of energy without using fossil fuels. The resources used to get the running is completely natural and only ends up in net energy that is environment friendly. Wind turbines are great ways to make energy for communities and help the environment by giving a way to make energy from the natural wind.

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Jqck   2024-03-22 08:02:55
High Speed Rails

Implementing high speed rails can reduce an incredible amount of GHG emissions. High speed rails are basically emission free, and are cheap for the consumer (Unlike gas). High speed rails will also take many cars off the road, which in turn will reduce the amount of car crash deaths in the U.S. High speed rails are also 180 mph. The U.S. already has a train that is capable of being a High speed rail, so we know it is feasible. High speed rail is also in other countries. When it becomes more widespread in the U.S. it could greatly reduce flights and cars on the road. High speed rails are something we need in our lives.

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mitchc   2024-02-21 20:31:07
What is Climate Change? from Perlego.com

The phrase “global warming” is often used synonymously with “climate change,” however, it is important to note that, while the two terms are closely related, global warming is just one aspect of climate change.

https://www.perlego.com/knowledge/study … te-change/

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ricoBOD1   2023-05-12 08:27:36 (Last post: 2024-02-02 12:08:17)
How we can help stop climate change

We can help stop climate change by powering our homes with renewable energy that are certified by certain organizations such as the Green-e-Energy organization. Another action that can help stop climate change is reducing your water waste as it reduces carbon pollution and you can reduce it by taking shorter showers and turning off the water while brushing  your teeth. Th last and final action you can do to help stop climate change is only buying food you know you are going to eat as composting the food you aren’t going to eat can send a lot of methane into the atmosphere.
Source: https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-ca … al-warming

clbaBOD   2023-05-15 13:11:16

I agree with your points; they are essential to help end climate change. I do think the more important things are mining fossil fuels and factories these have high footprints but as people, there is little we can do about this besides support companies with little to no impression. Individually I agree but I think what humans in our area emit the most is travel. Helping lower this can really help lower your footprint we can do this by carpooling or using public transportation whenever possible along with driving instead of using a plane. Planes emit so much carbon and not taking them could really improve your footprint. I agree with everything you said but I think transportation is really important, especially in America.
https://www.nytimes.com/guides/year-of- … -footprint

rectorazariyah@gmail.com   2023-11-01 09:47:19

We can help climate change by actually putting in effort to make a change. Instead of just preaching that climate change is bad, use that energy to influence other individuals. Even starting with small things could influence others to follow along.

Aaqil   2023-11-01 11:23:49

I agree with your points; I think there are more things also to account here, first f all I think that if we reduce the amount of transportation via fossil fuel ran vehicles, we can solve a big problem; I think we can solve this by carpooling or having EV Vehicles, etc.

Jose09   2023-11-01 11:29:49

I think it would be a great help if people converted to electrical cars, although that's kinda hard since they're very expensive.

bpadulla0218   2024-02-02 12:08:17

I agree! Sure, how you change your lifestyle doesn't matter in the picture by itself, but if everyone changes their lifestyle, no matter how small the changes are, it can really make a difference.I also agree with the fact that transportation is a big contributor to carbon emissions and that we as a society should improve on how we go about getting from A to B.

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Malachi24   2023-11-29 15:23:25
What climate change resources can reduce carbon emission?

Climate change resources are great for reducing carbon emissions. Climate change resources are great for reducing carbon emission because they renews the heat and energy that usually gets trap from the sun but, it gets but to good use like cars, air conditioning, solar panels and plenty more. Another climate resource that is great for reducing carbon emission are wind turbines. Wind turbines are good because they create wind without using any carbon emissions.

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MyaG   2023-11-05 18:11:06
climate change

Climate change is the significant variation of average weather conditions becoming, for example, warmer, wetter, or drier—over several decades or longer. As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun's heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health.Human Activity Is the Cause of Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations.

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