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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?

Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused? >

Global warming in front of us


« The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S manufacturing non-competitive » Donald Trump.
As we know the former president of the US, Donald Trump, like many other people, don’t believe in global warming. But how can we not be aware of climate change? How can we have doubts on it?
Indeed, the recent wild fires in California which were more intense, the last floods in Germany and Belgium which were fatal contribute to illustrating and supporting the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real. As I live in a tropical island I can testify that summers are warmer and warmer. I believe that, for those who do not agree with science, they should observe and listen to their environment. Climate is much more than just scientist data
I am not saying that everyone must be 100% green but we can be more responsible by being conscious of global warming and adopt more respectful behaviors. I do believe that each human plays a major role in climate change so let’s play it in the right way.


I agree with you that the climate change right now is caused by humans. But don't you think that it could have occurred naturally in the future


It's truly disappointing to see that so many people deny the existence of climate change and hide behind politics instead of acknowledging the problem and working to solve it. You made a really good point when you said that climate change is bigger than data. I think people don't realize the meaning of the data. They don't see that climate change is affecting people now.

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