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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?

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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

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LucasPartrite   2024-05-21 23:49:20
Planes affecting the carbon footprint

Plane rides are one of the most carbon-emitting ways of transportation. From my personal carbon footprint, my transportation section was up around 6,000 kgs more than normal because I took many plane rides around the world. According to billiontrees.com, a plane emits around 90 kg of C02 per hour. To put that into perspective a normal car emits around 1 kg of C02 per hour. Planes emit way more carbon because they burn a lot more fossil fuels than any other type of transportation. A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon (about 4 liters) of fuel every second. Although it is hard to avoid plane rides, the next time you are on a plane think about how much carbon the plane is emitting into the

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Melissaschiopu   2024-05-14 23:33:38
Schimbările climatice cauzate de oameni

Schimbările climatice reprezintă modificări semnificative ale climei Pământului într-o perioadă lungă de timp. Există o mare consens în comunitatea științifică că schimbările climatice sunt reale și sunt cauzate în principal de activitățile umane. Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră, cum ar fi dioxidul de carbon, provenite din arderea combustibililor fosili, precum cărbunele, petrolul și gazele naturale, contribuie la creșterea temperaturilor globale. Defrișarea masivă a pădurilor este, de asemenea, un factor important. Aceste schimbări climatice pot avea consecințe grave asupra mediului și societății, inclusiv creșterea nivelului mărilor, fenomene meteorologice extreme și pierderea biodiversității. Este important să conștientizăm aceste probleme și să luăm măsuri pentru a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră și a proteja planeta noastră.

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qugrBOD   2024-05-13 10:46:16
Carbon footprint

Climate change is real and humans are the cause. Things that we use everyday like vehicles emit carbon into the air which is a green house gas. Greenhouse gasses trap some heat in the earth's atmosphere and too many greenhouse gasses make the planet overheat leading to climate change. In my research, carbon has been more prominent in areas with machines, and less prominent in areas with trees because trees take in carbon and produce oxygen. If we start relying less on machines, we can reduce our carbon output and help prevent climate change.

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ststBOD   2024-05-13 09:05:32
Climate Change is our Reality, but It's Not Just Us

Climate change happens naturally in multiple ways, like the release of Methane from cows, but we humans excel the rate for global temperature rise by multitudes. We use machinery and factories that release hundreds of tons of CO2 and other green house gasses. The gasses are great at trapping temperature because they're magnetically of balance with their charges. When heat hits them the jiggle and trap the energy in heat form. Ultimately this causes the globe to rise in temperature slowly. To conclude, yes  climate change is real, and when it comes to thee question of if we're to blame, majority answer is yes.

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adelina.bursuc   2024-04-10 03:42:42 (Last post: 2024-05-12 20:56:33)
global warming

global warming is something that we caused by not caring about the environment or planet earth itself

Kaleaashley27   2024-05-12 20:56:33

Yes, global warming is human-caused and has contributed to climate change. A main factor is greenhouse gas emissions being emitted into the atmosphere and trapping the sun's heat, resulting in the greenhouse effect keeping heat near the earth's surface. A prime example is human's excessive usage of plastic and nonbiodegradable trash that when burned releases carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen into the atmosphere. Gas waste containing nitrogen accounts for water pollution and acidic rains. According to the United Nations Climate Action, today the earth's temperature regulations are warming at a faster rate than ever seen before in history with increased temperatures altering weather patterns across various regions and disrupting the balance of ecosystems. Other defining factors that lead to climate change include burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas has amounted to over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Cutting down forests also prompts climate change because trees both absorb and store large amounts of carbon dioxide. Deforestation is the cause for about 10% of climate change because when trees are chopped down the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. I think that climate change is very real and is a result of humans disrupting the earth's natural balance of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Though climate change is irreversible, I think its rate can be slowed and we can reduce the amount of human-caused emissions of carbon. Instead as a society, we can look to use renewable and sustainable practices to cut back on waste and pollution.

*United Nations-Climate Action-Causes and Effects of Climate Change
*European Parliament-Climate Change: the greenhouse gases causing global warming
*EPA-Climate Change Indicators: Greenhouse Gases

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caluBOD   2024-05-12 20:52:11
Climate Change is Definitely Human Caused

Climate change is definitely real and human caused. In the short time humans have been around compared to the existence of earth, humans have managed to alter the atmosphere and impose irreversible damage to our climate. There are huge trash piles floating in the ocean, dumps of trash not able to be composted or recycled, and most importantly, the things that sustain life on earth are wasting away. Land ice is melting causing sea levels to rise, as well as the pollution that has been emitted into the atmosphere, contributing to the build up of greenhouse gasses that are heating up our planet to unhealthy levels.

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aiquBOD   2024-05-09 10:06:11
Are we still in an ice age?

People who say that climate change isn't real state that we are not in an ice age at the moment. I would disagree with that statement since there is ice on our poles which constitutes an ice age. We are actually in an interglacial period were the ice pulls back to around the poles. That means it is concerning to have our planet's ice sheets melt as we are still technically in an ice age.
https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey … ce%20age!)

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Elizabeth USA   2024-04-24 10:18:35
Climate Change is Real and Needs to be Stopped

Climate change was started by the industrial revolution and affects our world more and more everyday. It was started by human activities that would release greenhouse gasses and large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Some of these activities include burning fossil fuels, farming livestock, and cutting down trees. While I understand that by doing these, it makes our lives easier, it is also very harmful to our planet. We can have more food options and produce more heat. Not to include that by cutting down trees we are able to make paper, make it easier to build, farm, use wood for fuel, etc. The average temperature on the earth is increasing which may be great because it feels like summer instead of being cold out. But that is not the case. By doing all of these things, we are doing more harm to the environment than good. Glaciers are melting and animals are losing their habitats and are going extinct. There are also more droughts which is bad for everyone because we need water to survive. The ocean is getting warmer and rising which will cause more hurricanes and severe storms. This is harming marine life and making it unsafe for those who live near large bodies of water. There are also more health risks, not enough food, and poverty. These are all horrible things that are happening to our planet because of climate change. You may be asking yourself, how can this be stopped? There’s many different ways that our planet can be saved. We could stop using fossil fuels, invest in renewable energy, stop cutting down forests and trees, etc.

https://climate.ec.europa.eu/climate-ch … %20warming.
https://education.nationalgeographic.or … restation/
https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/sci … ate-change

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AllisonUSA   2024-04-24 10:08:09
Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

Climate change is a real thing. Many parts of our environment are changing because of climate change. “Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The changes could be natural or human caused.” (un.org) Some examples of natural causes of climate change are changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. Some examples of human caused changes include the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, cutting down trees and many more. “It is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming. Human activities have contributed substantially to climate change through: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Reflectivity or Absorption of the Sun's Energy.” (epa.gov) Humans use fossil fuels to power their homes, schools, factories, etc. Fossil fuels will eventually run out and we can’t use it anymore. Fossil fuels are running out and causing climate change. We should use renewable energy, so we can help stop climate change. Some renewable energy sources we can use are solar fields, wind farms and many more. According to eia.gov, renewable energy accounted for 12% of Michigan's total in-state electricity net generation in 2022, most of it from wind. In Michigan, there are 1,658 wind turbines across the state. There are also 66 solar farms across the state of Michigan. To wrap up, climate change is caused by humans and it's real. There are some major effects on the environment from climate change.

https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/wha … ate-change


https://www.gsi.ie/en-ie/education/eart … %20engines.

https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php? … rom%20wind.

https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-envir … ast%20year.

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BreckenUSA   2024-04-24 08:45:59
Climate change is real.

Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

* science.nasa.gov
* Why can’t our school use reusable trays – The Mentor
* Plastic waste in the U.S. - statistics & facts - Statista

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Amelial   2024-03-22 07:29:48 (Last post: 2024-04-24 07:31:15)
How have humans impacted the climate?

Climate change has always been a things. It’s an ever changing battle that always been going on. But how has it changed since humans have stepped foot here on our earth? Humans are the main cause of the rise in fossil fuels. We are the ones making mass amounts of products in plastic and metal. The manufacturing of all of these products is creating greenhouse gasses that are going up to our atmosphere. When we burn things and manufacture them and then the gases are being emitted to our world causing the greenhouse effect. So i would say yes climate change is more human caused than what change was happening in our climate before. So yes climate change is real and we are the main cause. So we need to start eliminating these gasses fast before it’s too late.

Ashlynnvg   2024-04-24 07:31:15

Do you believe climate change is caused by human activity? Human activity can be a great factor in climate change.“ Activities such as agriculture, road construction, and deforestation can change the reflectivity of the earth's surface, leading to local warming or cooling.” This quote states that human activity can cause harm to the environment.“ When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gasses trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming.” The quote shares how burning of fossil fuels affects the whole world in a bad way. There are multiple ways we can change this. This includes keeping fossil fuels in the ground, reducing plastic, and improving farming and encouraging vegan diets. Fossil fuels have the biggest impact on climate change. Some effective ways to make a difference for our environment would be switching from driving a car every day, to riding a bike or walking. We are willing to take the information about climate change that we now know and apply it to our everyday lives, are you?

https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-scien … ed%20areas.

https://www.clientearth.org/latest/news … %20warming.

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RyleeUS   2024-04-24 05:01:59
Is Climate Change Real & Human Caused?

Yes, climate change is real. It is also caused primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gasses, it has caused the temperature on the Earth’s surface to rise. “Human activities currently release over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year” (epa.gov). But the only way the gasses got released into the atmosphere was from human activities. “Rather, it is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming” (epa.gov).
Climate change is one of the biggest problems we have in the world today. It is defined as "long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns". Climate change can cause a lot of things such as droughts, severe storms, warmer temperatures, and rising oceans. This is really happening today and humans should be the ones to stop climate change from getting worse because humans are the ones who caused it. It is true that humans have caused climate change because of burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees. Humans really should start taking action to stop climate change. 2023 was the warmest year in 100,000 years ever put in record as said by the World Meteorological Organization. Cases of greenhouse gases, surface temperature, droughts, and even ocean heat acidification have increased. Not only did Climate change contribute to the economic losses such as heatwaves and floods, causing billions of dollars in damage. In Antartica, glaciers melting also means wildlife is suffering. In Taiwan, people have to turn on their air con’s or fan’s, however it is only spring. The spring that we know of today, is nothing compared to what spring was like in the past years.

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