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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants or needs


The difference between wanting something and really needing something is big. You can have 10 sweaters but still want the cool one you saw in the store... But then if you don't have any sweater at all, you need to buy yourself one. It is important to think twice before buying something you maybe think you need but really you don't. I have made that a rule for myself to not buy things that I don't need. It both saves me some money and helps the earth! it's a win-win situation:)


I totally agree, when i want something i first think about how often i would use it or how it would benefit me. I also try to consider the things i already have and bought. I try to not spend too much or buy too much unless i really really want it or need it. It helps because i don't spend too much on useless things and only really buy myself nice things a few times a year.

Muhammad R

I agree, my brother sometimes just buys things that look cool which bothers me because after less than a day, he throws it away which is a big waste. For myself, I put a limit to how often I could buy something I want but don't really need.

ndkn on MC

I agree as well. I usually don’t purchase something, unless I do it by impulse. I try to cut down on buying things that I just “want”.

Diego Berber

I totally agree, I believe we should think twice when buying things and determining wether we need those things or we just want it. It benefits both the earth and us.

Inna. L

That is a good idea, I think we should also open up the idea of shopping in thrift stores or stores where people can donate their own unneeded items and buy other ones you need. Many people see this as disgusting and weird, but I think it's a really good idea, I often find a lot more thing I'm interested in than goin shopping in stores for brand new items, there are also a lot more cool things in stores like these, and it's really not that dirty, you just need to wash it. Also I think siblings clothes are also really good, many people dislike getting clothes from their siblings, but I think getting clothes from my sister is really cool, we both have the same likings and style and her clothes are generally in good shape. Also when you live in a big family, a lot of personal things just fly out the window, you find yourself sharing literally everything with everyone. But overall, I think that we can have our wants by getting them in a better way.


I agree who needs 10 sweaters 1.don't waste the stock of sweaters which others might need 2. don't add to your life a hassle of "which sweater should I wear" and 3. don't waste money.

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