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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

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Wants or Needs?

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evyUSA   Yesterday 08:49:29
Wants Vs. Needs

Wants and Needs are very different considering what is a necessity to live or compared to luxuries. Needs are an essential to live. Such things like a home, transportation, food, clothing, etc. You can cut back on some carbon footprint for needs by cutting down on things like transportation. For example, on a nice day maybe you can take a walk to school or ride bike instead of driving. Another example could be rather than going somewhere to eat like a restaurant you could cook something homemade at your own house. Most of people’s carbon footprint comes from transportation. People like to ride dirt bikes, or side by sides, etc. for fun. If you find other things to do besides things with motors, you could bring it down way more. Through this you can even cut back needs, because even our needs aren’t fully a necessity. Everyone has wants, as we are human. We want to go places such as the mall, the movies, the fair, etc. But there are some alternatives to make our world a better place. For example do you really need to go to the mall? Think about do you really need more clothes? You buying more clothes causes them to produce more, causing more pollution. As opposed to going thrifting, which will decrease carbon footprint and pollution. You and your friends want to hang out to go to the movies. Why not instead go to someones house and use a projector to watch a movie? If we all work together to cut back on our carbon footprint, we can make the earth healthier. Such simple things are possible.
Need or Want? | BioEd Online

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Gustavo2424   Yesterday 05:36:31 (Last post: Yesterday 05:38:04)
Wants Vs Needs

Wants and needs are very different from each other because a want is something that you do not need but you desire to have. A need is something that is needed for human survival. When it comes to spending, a need should be 50% of your budget and a want should be 30% of your budget. A want is something that can improve your quality of life. Wants may be helpful or make life easier but unless you die without them they are not considered needs. A need includes food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Needs are those items that are required for life and do not change with time. As opposed to, wants are those items that are desired by an individual either right now or in future. Therefore, wants might change over time. Some people choose wants over needs because they have a self centeerd outlook on life. They are self indulgent, pleasure seeking and unrestrained when it comes to satisfying their desires. Needs are secondary and only come into the picture if they provide personal pleasure or satisfaction. Understanding the difference between wants and needs frees us from unnecessary burdens and begins to align our lives with more lasting fulfillment. Before we buy stuff that we want, consider these questions: Do I need it? What do I gain from this? How much does it cost? With these questions, it will help you decide whether or not you should buy the product. Adding limits to what we want, we can make the world a better place. Having the latest technology is typically considered a want rather than a need. While technology can enhance productivity, communication, and entertainment, it's not essential for basic survival or well-being.


isabellamenorca   Yesterday 05:38:04

Its possible the newkids on the block


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WilsonWu   Yesterday 04:03:25 (Last post: Yesterday 05:27:20)
Is it necessary for us to cause pollution just for our wants

There is a big difference between the wants and needs. Stuff like water, shelter, food, clothes, etc. Needs are flashy shoes, high end computer, the newest phone or devices. Buying excess wants can lead to waste of resources and cause pollution because of the creation of our wants. Needs are the things we need to survive in our life. Wants can cause extra things that we don't need which becomes a waste. Having a lot of waste can cause unnecessary pollution to our Earth.

BrianUSA   Yesterday 05:27:20

Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death. Pollution causes more than 9 million premature deaths, the majority of them due to air pollution. That’s several times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Air pollution is the leading environmental risk to health, causing 7 million premature deaths each year. This is equivalent to the number of people that have died from COVID-19 since March 2020. Pollution of all types hinder development outcomes. Air pollution, exposure to lead and other chemicals, and hazardous waste including exposure to improper e-waste disposal, cause debilitating and fatal illnesses, create harmful living conditions, and destroy ecosystems. Pollution stunts economic growth, exacerbates poverty and inequality in both urban and rural areas, and significantly contributes to climate change. Poor people, who cannot afford to protect themselves from the negative impacts of pollution, end up suffering the most. More than 95 percent of deaths caused by air pollution occur in low- and middle- income countries. In individual countries, the economic burden of pollution associated with premature mortality and morbidity is also significant, equivalent to 5 to 14 percent of countries' GDPs. Recent evidence points to the similar devastation caused by exposure to harmful chemicals, such as lead. In 2019, more than 5.5 million adults died from cardiovascular disease arising from lead exposure. 90% of these deaths occurred in lower- and middle-income countries. In the same year, children younger than 5 years of age lost 765 million IQ points. Lead exposure costs countries $6 trillion, equivalent to 6.9% of global GDP. It is critical to address pollution because of its unacceptable toll on health and human capital, as well as associated GDP losses. Pollution management can also make substantial contributions to climate change mitigation through actions such as reduction of black carbon and methane emissions, which contribute to both air pollution and climate change. In addition, pollution management can enhance competitiveness, for example, through job creation, better energy efficiency, improved transport, and sustainable urban and rural development.

https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/poll … 20combined.

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Jaspoor   Yesterday 05:21:01
We don't need everything

Many people say they need to have something in order for them to be happy, but need is something we need in order to survive like food, water, air, shelter, and warmth. Buying a car or phone isn't a need, we won't die even if we don't have them. Want is extra things to keep us happy and comfortable like a transportation to go. If we can sort out what we actually need and what we just want, we can save many resources not buying unnecessary products like plastic toys, models, etc. We don't need a Lego set in order to live. For example, if we can save our money buying Lego the plastic pieces might become trash and end up floating in the ocean or laying there in a garbage dump. If we think buying little things won't hurt the planet, each small purchase adds up until we kill many habitats and ecosystems. We have to start thinking to do the right thing and buy important things that can really help you when you buy it.

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KatherineC   Yesterday 00:34:09 (Last post: Yesterday 03:50:16)
Wants or Needs?

We all want things we can’t have whether it’s clothes, traveling, etc. Wants and needs are very different. Needs are the things we need in life such as a roof over your head, water, and food. Wants are things we don’t necessarily need but buy for our own entertainment. To fix our limitations for wants, we must know if we need to buy it or not. Before we buy stuff that we want, consider these questions: Do I need it? What do I gain from this? How much does it cost? With these questions, it will help you decide whether or not you should buy the product. Adding limits to what we want, we can make the world a better place. Overconsumption occurs in a lot of countries with the excessive use of something.
Overconsumption is one of the causes of bad climate change and environment damage. Overconsumption can worsen greenhouse gas emissions and cause bad pollution. Which is why thinking before we buy something can help the world become a better place. After all, this is our home.

Felicia22   Yesterday 03:50:16

Exactly. Think before you do something that can be harmful to our precious yet dying planet. You might want something, but you might not need it. This is the case where you decide: Do you want to buy something that's unnecessary just because you saw it, liked it, and wanted to buy it? Or do you want to help reduce carbon footprint and save the Earth? Of course, you can still reward yourself with small gifts, but I hope we can all focus on saving the Earth. In other words, we are just preventing our greedy actions from destroying our planet.

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Abigail lee   Yesterday 00:23:51 (Last post: Yesterday 03:20:10)
Do we really need it?

What is the difference between wants and needs? In my opinion, wants are things that I can live without, but needs are things I can’t. For example, water, food, clothes are obvious needs. But what about those shoes that you want, do actually need them? If you have no shoes then yes, but what about those shoes sitting at the back of the shoe closet. Buying whatever you want and getting sick of it is just a waste of money and material. Prioritizing needs over wants ensures efficient resource allocation. Indulging in wants without consideration can lead to wasteful consumption. Being mindful of consumption habits not only benefits finances but also reduces environmental impact and promotes sustainability. Therefore, before indulging in a want, assess its alignment with needs and values.

Camille6321:   Yesterday 03:20:10

I agree. Things that are essential to life, such as food, water, and shelter, are called needs. Conversely, desires are items we would want to have, including toys, new technology, and more. Most of the items we purchase, including pricey clothing and other items, wind up in a landfill. Anything that we use and eventually breaks or grows too tiny ends up in a landfill. Over 92 million tons of apparel end up in landfills, according to the report. This is due to fast fashion. Fast fashion is very common these days and shops like ZARA, H&M, and TOPSHOP are the biggest producers of it. This is why we have to consider when we buy clothes. Be reasonable. Don't buy clothes every single day.

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Lucas lee   Yesterday 01:52:08 (Last post: Yesterday 02:42:07)
Want or need

Having the latest technology is typically considered a want rather than a need. While technology can enhance productivity, communication, and entertainment, it's not essential for basic survival or well-being. Access to technology may vary depending on individual circumstances and societal expectations, but it generally falls into the category of wants rather than needs.

venusgin   Yesterday 02:42:07

i want to say that alot of things now is a want than a need, the technology can produce and mke things humans want ,i woould say to be honest i would  agree that huans use needs to cover up their wants

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venusgin   Yesterday 02:39:06

so some things in the planet earth isnt needed for us when humans make it,so is it true we need it or is it jsut the fact that we want it? if we really need it does it effect the enviroment or if we want it does the enviroment realy need the things that we want but isnt needed. now technology can make things umans want but is it really a need?

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venusgin   Yesterday 02:29:08

wants or needs? DO WE NEED ALL OF IT?

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riannahao:)   2024-04-22 01:59:02 (Last post: 2024-04-22 21:01:38)
Wants or Needs?

What is a want and what is a need to you? For me, wants are things that aren’t necessarily something we have to have, instead it is something we desire. A need, on the other hand, to me, is something that is necessary for all human beings. That counts as water, food, clothing, etc… So, after looking at my carbon footprint, I realized that I can cut down on many wants. Things like using my electronics too much and buying things. Of course, clothing is crucial for human beings but, we don’t need to be buying excessive clothing. Sometimes, having too much is a waste because we might not even wear it at all. So, we should look through our closets once in a while and if we have excessive clothing or just anything in general, we can donate them to charity. Instead of wasting money on things for leisure, we should spend our money wisely, and buy things we actually need more of. It could even be spending our money on charities and donating to them. If yo don’t wanna spend money, then of course, as I mentioned, you can donate your things.

roflCPS   2024-04-22 21:01:38

I think that the question you posed is and incredibly important question and a question that people should be asking more often. In so many conditions, people indulge in commodities that they "desire" or "want", usually consuming goods that are not necessary for their wellbeing. I think that it is great that you came to the realization that you can cut down on things that fall outside of your needs and it shows a level of maturity and control that many people need to learn. If people in general can cut down on the need to buy things (clothes, cars, electronics, beauty products, etc.) just because they want them, whether because they saw an ad or heard about it on social media, it would contribute to the continued fight against climate change and show that people are willing to buy products that they need and not just want. If this happened, there would not be as great a need to over produce cheap products and the impact on the climate and world in general would be amazing.

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Arle62   2024-04-15 04:25:11 (Last post: 2024-04-22 20:57:03)
Wants or needs ?

In my opinion, everyone can reduce his footprint if they be aware about what they need and what they want. Many objects seem necessary but it is not true.

Sheyzo   2024-04-15 04:30:29

I agree with you, only we only pay attention when we have an idea of what we are doing. As a student I don't pay attention to what I consume.

ski4boii   2024-04-15 04:33:48

i am agree

dahiCPS   2024-04-22 20:57:03

I agree. In the modern era, it's very common for people to buy things not because they need them for survival or convenience, but rather because they "look nice" or are attractive to them in some other way. We must realize when this is happening, and try to cut back on purchases like these. That way the materials otherwise used to make these products can be diverted for more environmental purposes, and your money can be spent on something more essential to your everyday life.

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Charmaine   2024-04-16 01:15:20
Traveling- Want or need?

Is traveling a want or a need? Well, that depends on how you want to live and what you prioritize in life. If you believe that the most important thing in life is to visit family and friends abroad, discover new things, and see many different places while experience different cultures, then yes, traveling is a need. However, if you believe that what you need is just basic things to make sure you survive such as things like food, water and shelter, then no, traveling is not a need for you. Cutting down on expenses and pollution can always be good, but if it's how you want to live your life, then do it! Some people may be willing to give up basic needs to be able to enjoy what they think is most important in life. Prioritizing also has to do with your living conditions and your financial status. If you have good living conditions and financial status, then you may claim that materialistic things are part of your needs, while others with poor living conditions and bad financial status may strongly disagree. Moreover, some may argue that non of these are their needs. All they need may be just love either by parents, family, friends or a partner. They would be willing to give up all they have for that particular person or group of people. So, really, there's no an actual how-to guide on whether something is a want or need. It all depends on what you want to prioritize, because after all it is your life. Cutting on expenses and air pollution is obviously preferred, but if you have really decided that is not what you want, then no one can physically force you to do it.

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