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Clean Development

The Millenium Development Goals, agreed to by every member country of the United Nations in 2000, call for the worldwide eradication of poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality and huge improvements in health by 2015: two years ago!!

Can we do this without making the planet warmer?

Let's think big and imagine how we can confront the climate crisis in a way that is realistic about the other major problems that we face as a planet and as a species on it.

Clean Development >

We all should stop using plastic bags as well as non reusable plastic


We all should stop using plastic bags as well as non reusable plastic and instead use something that will break down in the nature

Hannah Le

This is very agreeable. I see plastic bags everywhere on the street and it pains me that people don't pick up or reuse what they get. This shows that we don't care what we do, just to make our lives easier. The plastic bags that can break-down are a good substitute for normal bags and even if they aren't better, they're better for the environment. This could solve a lot of trash problems that are currently in the ocean.


I agree with this as well, there is no reason other than accessibility why plastic bags and non-reusable plastic should be continued to be used and just left in our environment to harm others. With our modern production capabilities, many substitutes, that are just as good if not better, have been made using way less harmful chemicals and other things that continue to harm our environment.

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