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Sustainable City

Here's your chance not just to be the mayor, but the original city planner as well! Imagine a medium sized city that would be developed with modern, low carbon transportation in mind, and other strategies to reduce the average citizens' carbon footprints.

What would that city look like? Would that make you more likely to want to live there?

Sustainable City >

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


This saying is very common and well known around the world. However what many people don’t know is that they’re supposed to follow this saying in the order it is in. First, try to reduce your plastic use as much as possible and try to reduce the amount of meat you eat in your weekly meals. Next, reuse as much as possible along so you don’t even have to recycle in the first place since many plastics actually cannot be recycled. Finally, recycle, if you cannot find a way to reduce or reuse, RECYCLE!


I 100% agree with your final statement, a lot of people find it difficult to reduce or  reuse what the consume, but recycling is a very easy and helpful thing to do that can be implement in any city environment.

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