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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

Student Footprints >

How to Stop the WorldWide Carbon Footprints From Increasing?


Specifically in California, how can we stop the average persons carbon footprint from increasing? Already, our carbon footprint is triple than the worldwide average, which is NOT a good thing. To try to decrease our carbon footprints, we can try to use public transport as much as possible, turning off the lights whenever possible, and try to use cars that dont use as much gas.


That is a great question. In my opinion, it is hard to completely stop the worldwide carbon footprint from increasing, as it demands everyone to take action and raise awareness on carbon emissions. However, as citizens who are aware of carbon footprints, we can do something to try to minimize them. Just like you have pointed out, some ways to minimize it is to use more public transportations instead of private cars, turn off the lights when you are not using them, and use cars with fewer carbon emissions. We can also use more renewable energy as possible, such as installing solar panels in our homes, consume local and seasonal food, and limit and recycle our waste. In this way, I believe that we can help alleviate the worldwide carbon footprints to a great degree.

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