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Sustainable City

Here's your chance not just to be the mayor, but the original city planner as well! Imagine a medium sized city that would be developed with modern, low carbon transportation in mind, and other strategies to reduce the average citizens' carbon footprints.

What would that city look like? Would that make you more likely to want to live there?

Sustainable City >

City wide sustainability


I think local governments should enact different policies to reduce carbon emissions. For example, various state governments had planned to ban gasoline car sales by 2030. City governments should consider making public transportation more feasible, and should discourage acts which will harm to the environment.


Hello! I'm agree with you
if this kind of action is repeated everywhere the carbon footprint will be better on more reduced it will always be better


I also agree with you. I live off the coast of Maine and stores around here have also started banning plastic bags in grocery stores to help our environment. They replaced them with large brown paper bags. Little things like this can help decrease our carbon emissions but it’s going to take a lot more than that to really make a change/difference.

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