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Environmental Justice (new topic, Feb 2021!)

Can we solve the climate crisis without confronting global inequities?

A recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA found that white residents in the USA produce more climate pollution than black or hispanic residents, but black and hispanic people are exposed to more air pollution.

And that is just the USA! Think about the global inequities in the "haves" and the "have nots".

And how are we going to lift people out of poverty without making the climate crisis even worse?

If you are a resident in a wealthy country, is it your responsibility to address both problems at once? And what would that look like in terms of national and international policy?

Environmental Justice >

Traveling hurts!!


The greenhouse gasses emitted into the environment hurts it a lot. The highest category of my carbon footprint is from traveling. I have 6,911 kgs in the category myself. I believe that a good size of mine is from the car we drive. To make the impact smaller we could use the car less often or get a different car that is not so impactful on the environment. So many other people travel and harm the environment. Some other solutions are public transportation which helps keep another car off the road from polluting the environment. If things are a short bit away and not too far then riding your bike or walking would help reduce your carbon footprint.

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