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Sustainable City

Here's your chance not just to be the mayor, but the original city planner as well! Imagine a medium sized city that would be developed with modern, low carbon transportation in mind, and other strategies to reduce the average citizens' carbon footprints.

What would that city look like? Would that make you more likely to want to live there?

Sustainable City >

Electric Cars and Charging Stations

Ben Mark

Vehicles such as cars and motorcycles are a significant contributor to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However, solutions are already being presented to change this. One of those solutions is electric cars, which produce far less CO2 emissions than regular cars. Unfortunately, electric cars are still not very common, and one of the reasons for this is that these cars need to use charging stations in order to recharge. These charging stations are not very common, and one step towards building a sustainable city is making these charging stations more widely available, as this will likely increase the popularity of electric cars.


I agree 100% with you.

Alfredo Ceballos

I agree with your ideas. I think that your ideas are very good and will definitely help deal with the world's carbon problem.


I think this is something that would help the environment a lot. I think we should make the charging faster for electric cars and have more charging stations available.


I think the main issue we have with electric car charging stations is not the amount we have in urban areas but rather the suburban/rural charging network. Looking at maps of chargers in the US I can see that the big and small cities have plenty of chargers. Places like Maine and other small-population states have very weak networks. There is barely any way for someone to travel around the state of Maine on electric charge effectively. Many of the chargers that do exist in Maine are level 2 which also detract from the overall appeal of an electric vehicle.


Yes CharlieC, I completely agree. As a resident of a low-population state with an electric car I can confidently say that the infrastructure for wide-spread electric car use just does’t exist yet. Even with an electric car that we can charge at home, we still have to take our gas-powered vehicle on long trips out of state because there just aren’t enough chargers. In order for electric car use to be a practical carbon reducing solution everywhere, more and faster charging infrastructure has to be implemented. However, I am confident that this will happen eventually, because transportation is one of the most carbon emitting systems and improving this will be crucial.


I believe that many of these points are true, but that electric vehicles shouldn’t be a long term solution. Electric vehicles are still individual vehicles that require energy to be run, which comes from plants that often don’t implement green strategies. They are better than gas, but even making them using lithium that is mined. Mining is not only bad for the environment, it is often done in humanely. I think that though electric vehicles are amazing and should be used over gas vehicles, they should be used with the end goal of more accessible public transportation.

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