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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

Student Footprints >

Reduce our carbon footprints


Hi for everyone, it's a pleasure to contact with you to  talk about this important theme. To begin with, we have to see where we can improve to help the planet.


PLease, answer me with ideas to reduce it


An idea that I had is if you ride a car to a car to school you might want to take a school bus or maybe even walk because its the little things that count because if for a week we just walked to school then we could really reduce the carbon footprint. Another little thing you can do is turn off the water when brushing your teeth


It could also help if more schools educated their students about climate change. Students can also try to petition or work with there schools to put green solutions into place like recycling/composting programs or even a green energy solution like solar power.


One very important thing to do to lower your carbon footprint is eating more plant based. Eating/integrating more plants and or dairy free products into your diet massively affects your footprint. Eating plant based lowers your footprint by 70%. When talking about reducing your personal footprint this is a crucial step.


Hi ! To reduce your carbon footprint, you could buy more local and bio food, you could grow your own food, maybe buy food in loose. You could eat once a week a vegeterian meal. You could sell your old clothes instead of throwing them away, try not to buy to many clothes if you don't need them and if you need to buy clothes you should buy second hand or recycled things, buy in thrift for instance. You should stop buying straws or stuff like that which are not environmental-friendly.


Hola! Puedes ir por bicicleta al colegio

Mady H

Hi! There are a variety of both small and large measures that can be taken to reduce our carbon footprints individually and as a community. Investing in electric cars or taking public transportation, solar power, geothermal energy, traveling more efficiently, minimizing electricity use, and installing energy efficient appliances, are all large scale ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Smaller scale measures that we can take are: shutting off the water when brushing your teeth, composting, replacing all light bulbs with LEDs, avoiding buying unnecessary things, and eating more locally grown and organic foods, and less meat and dairy.  Spreading the word and educating our peers on the possible effects of not acting on such an issue, is a great way to encourage others to join in on the journey to reduce carbon emissions globally.

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