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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

Student Footprints >

Help me with this question!

Yoyo-ma from Fulpies Official

Question: what is the most thing that is most of your carbon footprint and how do you fix it?

Mine is the food, and I think I should eat more vegetarian food.


Food I messed up my questions


Same, less meat.


The biggest part of my carbon footprint was the transportation part because my house is 44 km away from school. I'm going to move houses so I'm closer to school. Since my new house will probably be closer, instead of coming in car everyday to school, I can ride my bike, walk, or go by the MRT.


For me it's my transportation but I meassed up my questions too. lol


For me its also transportation since I travel a lot to visit family in germany.


MY biggest is transportation becasue I take flight more than once a year. Also I take car rides for school every morning and it's about 20 min. One way we can fix this is using more the eletric cars that there are then the cars witch require gas.


Out of the 5 classes that did the carbon footprint challenge, I think the highest contender was transportation. Although mine wasn’t specifically high as a school we should look to lower our transportation rates.

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