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Think Big

Now that we see what our collective and personal impact is on the planet, let's think big!

What big and bold ideas do you have for reducing personal, community, country and even global carbon footprints?

Use this space to develop and discuss your big ideas! Who knows- maybe one of these ideas can be the next key solution to the global climate challenge!

Think Big >



Guys, how could we decrease the pollution???


Good questions there are a lot of ways and solutions. We can reduce the number of trips you take in the car to aviod gas and then climate change and then the habitat of animals getting destroyed (ex: penguins,polar bears and more).

We can also turn off the lights when therenot in use.

We can stop using plastic bags and plastic bottles and use reusable ones so that wecan aviod polluting.

We can also reycle and  reuse to aviod trash spreading evayrwhere.

Those are just someways to decrease pollution but there are many mores.

Help us trun our planet to this to that !



I think the main problem of Taiwan's pollution is that we use too much energy and most of the energy aren't produced by renewable resources. Only less than 10% of Taiwan's electricity are formed by renewable resources.


Another problem is when people buy things that are "green" it has matierials that are better for the environment, but it doesn't help when it is made in a factory in China where they aren't going to control emisions. Its the same thing with electric cars they commonly release the same amount of carbon dioxide as gas powered cars due to their lithium batteries. And the cars are made in countries that aren't going to have factories or any care for if it releases carbon dioxide. Even the ones in America produce a ridiculous amount of carbon dioxide, since the process of obtaining the matierials is pretty bad for the environment. And they still run off gas or the electric pumps are charged with gas. Its not common for them to produce more carbon dioxide. We need to first start off by replacing our energy grid with renewables, since without that we will be producing carbon dioxide no matter what. For example investing in nuclear would be a big help. Or even solar panels, and there is even a problem with solar panels since they also use rare Earth metals, so we also need to stop relying on countries that use this since they don't care, and use methods that release a great amount of carbon dioxide. And there is also a problem with nuclear since all of the Uranium needed is located in the Kazakhs and Africa. Both of these regions are riddled with instablity. The biggest things we could do right now in my opinion would be to stablize these regions and get the world on the same side, and invest in renewables with the assistance of the world. ANd since most of these materials are in these unstable countries it is important to be friendly with them, and to stablize theses regions.

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