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Think Big

Now that we see what our collective and personal impact is on the planet, let's think big!

What big and bold ideas do you have for reducing personal, community, country and even global carbon footprints?

Use this space to develop and discuss your big ideas! Who knows- maybe one of these ideas can be the next key solution to the global climate challenge!

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Think Big

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alina25   2023-04-28 09:29:34 (Last post: 2024-05-12 21:01:44)
The balance between the human race and the well-being of our planet

The balance between the human race and the well-being of our planet is quite difficult to balance. People need more and more things that are not exactly friendly to the environment and the planet. what can we do to balance the balance? I think we should reduce as much as possible the objects that we don't really need or replace them with others that are better for the environment. I admit that I also buy some things (clothes for example) that are not really useful to me, taking into account that I have so many good things that I could continue to wear. therefore, I will try as much as possible not to spend so much money on things I don't need, but to invest them in things that will also help the planet.

matej_drzaic1   2023-05-03 08:45:28

To add on to you’re point I think people should use more recyclable materials that are biodegradable, as well as organize more events for recycling, cleaning and informational ones too because it is very important to learn about how much one piece of plastic can damage the environment, and the ways that our pollution can affect animals and plants. We need to be aware that we are the cause of pollution and that only we can fix pollution and save our planet.

marlow   2024-05-12 21:01:44

I completely agree! I often buy new items without considering what I already have and how my purchases will affect the planet. I feel it is important to pay attention to the packaging of items and minimize our purchases of plastic or other packaging materials that are harmful to our planet. It would also be great for communities to continue to transition from plastic products to more paper products. In addition, it is essential to enforce recycling and composting policies to limit the amount of waste dumped on land, making its way to our ocean, polluting the water, and hurting marine animals. We definitely need to be more conscious of our daily actions and their effects. Has your community taken any effective steps to further protect and heal our planet? Do you have any other ideas on how to do so?

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dalila.dumitrache   2024-04-10 03:47:21 (Last post: 2024-05-12 12:59:14)

#Don't pollute the environment to regret later

ValBOD   2024-05-09 19:16:54

I wholeheartedly concur, but I also think it's critical that everyone understands what pollution is and how they personally contribute to it. In my experience, though, I was not made aware of the ways in which the things I did on a regular basis contributed to pollution. Therefore, I think that younger generations need to think more carefully about how pollution starts and what they can do to prevent it from happening. Continuously to be able to induce curiosity in them about this topic we should normalize it, due to that this is a very urgent problem that must be solved for a better future. Don't you think?

olmaBOD   2024-05-10 12:36:47

I completely agree and think that many people need to be educated about pollution. I think this because I see many people just littering and overusing things that are harmful to the environment. They must think it is just okay to do but in reality it is harmful to the environment. It may not be harmful in that moment but in the long run it could do some damage. According to a national litter study there are about 50 billion pieces of litter along roadways waterways since 2020. This number continues to go up as does mass production of single use plastics. These plastics are thrown away after one use and emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere creating the greenhouse effect. Becoming educated will help with the worlds awareness that we are killing the planet day by day.

mareBOD4   2024-05-12 12:59:14

I agree, especially by the fact that there is so much pollution that is flooding up our oceans. A fact that really comes up to my attention is that Americans used about 50 billion plastic bottles of water last year. And not even 1 fourth of those water bottles were recycled. In addition, plastics in the environment never fully decompose and only break into smaller pieces.

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sgrodo   2024-04-26 08:29:56 (Last post: 2024-04-26 10:52:10)
the future of renewable energies

Renewable energies are not just an option, they are our lifeline, they are not just a choice, they are our destiny.
Let us think big, invest wisely, and pioneer the technologies that will power a cleaner, greener future. We must develop new technologies to:
enhance efficiency, address intermittency, Integrate into existing grids and explore emerging Sources.

jacopo006   2024-04-26 10:52:10

I wholeheartedly agree. Renewable energies are essential for addressing environmental and energy challenges. Investing wisely in them means not only ensuring a clean and safe source of energy but also fostering innovation and creating job opportunities. It is crucial to develop advanced technologies to improve efficiency, overcome intermittency challenges, and integrate these sources into existing networks. We must be leaders in creating a cleaner and more sustainable future by investing in research, sustainable energy policies, and awareness.

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Ashley Condon   2024-04-23 05:42:08
Horses for Transportation

One thing we think would greatly reduce Co2 pollution is to bring back the horse and buggy in replacement of motorized vehicles.  Motorized vehicles cause pollution to the environment.  These pollutants cause harm to our health.  They have greenhouse gasses that can greatly affect climate change.  The burning of gas and other fuels creates very harmful byproducts.  They also create Co2 which is the most common human cause of greenhouse gasses (Department of Ecology State of Washington).  Horses are selective grazers which causes them to not eat tougher grasses.  This is because they can not digest them (Extension Horse).  Horses are very important to the environment because it increases the plant diversity in an area.  (Lonker, Fenchner, El Wahed).  Horses are one of the biggest contributors to renewable energy and resources.  They produce up to 9.1 tons of manure every year.  This manure can be turned into green energy.  These farms and other energy companies around the farms can use this energy (Middleton Place Equestrian Center).  Lots of horse farmers utilized trough watering for their animals.  This helps the protection of natural water sources.  It also prevents erosion on the edges of the natural water source (Middleton Place Equestrian Center).  Vehicles are America's biggest air pollutant.  They are producing about one - third of all U.S. air pollution (National Geographic).  Highway vehicles release about 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere every year (U.S. Department of Energy).  As you can see the horse creates a smaller Co2 footprint than motorized vehicles (Extension Horse).

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Maia.andreea   2024-04-19 01:23:17
Think Big

Let’s save the planet smile

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Jusrin   2024-04-16 00:34:32
Foot print

My foot print is small

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emiliams   2024-01-31 12:46:40 (Last post: 2024-04-16 00:27:17)
Think Big

One big idea that I have to help reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere is to have more enviremental field trips. We could create plant a tree day, on a weekend/day where we plant trees, or clean up the plastic around the campus or in a local park. Or, we could take a walk to Sam Bridges in Greenwich, and plant native trees to Greenwich inside our campus. Some native trees in Greenwich, Connecticut are Norway maple, London Plane, and Honey locust. smile

Qbi Wang   2024-04-16 00:27:17

I think it will be a good idea because it will make school fun, but if you want to go to other places that are more far away, you will still need to take transportations that will emit carbon dioxide.

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adelina.bursuc   2024-04-10 03:47:56 (Last post: 2024-04-15 04:28:05)
think big

for a healthy body try to go to the gym, have a balanced diet and go get some fresh air every day

Arle62   2024-04-15 04:28:05

i agree, it seem sometimes difficult to keep these habits but it's important in my opinion

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bianca.elena   2024-04-10 03:46:45
Think big

I think we can make new ways to help our planet

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Iulia.miron   2024-04-10 03:44:41
keep healthy

a healthy body will make us happy.

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Maryam09   2023-11-04 14:42:01 (Last post: 2024-01-31 12:57:25)
Shift Your Way to the Thrift

Fast fashion clothing brands have been impacting our climate negatively since the 90s. Since the opening of the first Zara store, fast fashion has been all the rage on the internet because of the cheap and trendy clothing. Many people are attracted to the shenanigans thrown at them from these companies, but they do not realize just how bad fast fashion is to the environment. First of all, most of the clothes made by these companies are very bad quality. They cannot be worn more than a few times before starting to look old or used, so most people throw them out and buy new clothes from the same companies. These clothes fill up our landfills and they stay there until some of them decompose. Most of these clothes are made from plastics and other materials that do not decompose even after hundreds of years. The fashion industry produces 10% of the entire global carbon emissions annually. And these numbers are still increasing and projected to be up to 50% by 2030 (zurich.com). One way we can help save our planet from both climate change and having too many clothes in the landfill is by shopping less fast fashion and thrifting more. Thrifting not only helps reduce waste in our environment, but it is also a cost-effective way of shopping and improving our wardrobes. According to TruEarth.com, thrifting helps to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted through the manufacturing and shipping of clothes. Also, thrifting can help improve relationships in our communities with local thrift stores and create an overall better environment and planet for our future.
Works cited:
https://www.zurich.com/en/media/magazin … 0by%202030.
https://www.tru.earth/the-environmental … 20products.

johnrb   2024-01-31 12:57:25

I totally agree. This is a problem because Zara still uses cheap synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, and acrylic to produce clothes. Synthetic materials are made from petroleum, a fossil fuel that's a major contributor to climate change. If Zara still uses this material this could be a reason why fossil fuels impacts our world. Using more expensive material that does not use fossil fuel material can be a good impact on CO2 levels dropping from clothing brands that are using these materials.

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johnrb   2024-01-31 12:42:18
Think Big

Think Big: A big idea to Whitby that could change Whitbys thinking on using alot of CO2. This idea is gathering lower school kids with their buddies and going to the garden, at the garden we will plant native plants that snatch CO2 out of the air. Planting these things could also give more plants for bees to polinate this could also help more honey get around with bees. The reason why we will plant native plants is because then the animals won't mind the new plants. These three benfits could make a impact on the community. The lower school kids could also be inspired and do this themsleves with their parents at home to also help the enviroment in the area they live in. This could be a great idea for the Whitby community!

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