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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?

Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused? >

I think it is real. =)


i think it's real because the area were i live in Italy,there have been some big "natural disasters" like floodings and the melting of the glaciers, i guess those have incresed so much in the last 10 years because of the pollution.
the melting of glaciers is mainly the fault of waste disposal and global warming, my area cant live without the glaciers,because we live thanks to tuorists and if that happen means that our citizens have to leave their homes and activities.


I agree with your statements about climate change. In the US, we experience climate change just as you guys in Italy experience it. However, the severity of climate change varies from country to country. Some countries experience climate change more than others which supports our claim that climate change is real. Your claim that pollution in the last 10 years has caused climate change is agreeable. I want to emphasize that point to ensure clarity because sometimes pollution can happen naturally as you mentioned. In my opinion, I think the pollution that is causing climate change is from us. This is because, without our human activities, pollution and climate change wouldn't be happening. These activities cause a dependency meaning climate change and pollution to depend on human activity. Therefore, climate change is real and is human-caused due to the relationship between the human population (including activities) and climate change.

suki iyer

Yes! Global warming is affecting our environment and changing our lives. There are so many more weather-related disasters, and it is all because of humans and pollution. It is a huge part of our lives now, and we need to work to prevent it from getting worse. These natural disasters are going to continue, and disrupt our way of life. Human activities that produce greenhouse gases must stop.


I agree completely! I also live in an area where global warming is a very scary idea to think about. Destruction of homes because of fires and the melting of glaciers is very serious as well. Pollution, like you stated, is also a huge problem, since it also affects wildlife which are crucial to environments around the world!


Yes, I completely agree. I think that a lof of people don't  believe it is true because they don't look at the trends between the increase of these natural disasters and climate change. Ignorance is also a big factor; a lot of people might recognize it, but don't do anything about it, because they think that it's out of their hands, but it's not! If everyone does something small, it will make a massive impact!


I agree with what you said. Climate change is indeed real, and there is lots of scientific evidence that shows many human activities contribute to it. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and many other human activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the earth's temperatures to rise drastically. These events lead to various impacts such as extreme weather, rising sea levels and lots of disruption to ecosystems. it's very important for us to take action to reduce our carbon footprints and promote more sustainable practices to help reduce the effects of climate change.

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