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Corporate responsibility (new topic, Sep 2021!)

How much responsibility do corporations have for the climate crisis and for stepping up with solutions?

Here at the ISCFC we are committed to promoting personal, community, national and planetary solutions to reduce our environmental impacts and boldly confront the climate crisis. But as individuals, we can feel powerless when there are huge corporations -such as the fossil fuel industry and factory farms– that are disproportionately responsible for carbon emissions of the past and the present.

What should we do about this? Do you agree that corporations should do more? And if so, what does that mean exactly? How do we persuade or impel polluting industries to change their ways?


Biodiesel is a low carbon alternative to fossil diesel. I think that as long as we use road vehicles, we should be using biofuels because they are low carbon and they work in existing fuel infrastructure and engines that don't require harmful metals. Biofuels are more expensive, but I think the government could change this by putting a tax on normal fuel that goes towards making biofuel cheaper and more financially viable.


Regardless, biodiesel is a renewable source, and if we all want to push renewable energy to the next level, I feel plugging in vehicles is a little better option. Although generating batteries for plug-in automobiles has an impact on the environment, it is more sustainable in the long run due to lower emissions.

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