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Think Big

Now that we see what our collective and personal impact is on the planet, let's think big!

What big and bold ideas do you have for reducing personal, community, country and even global carbon footprints?

Use this space to develop and discuss your big ideas! Who knows- maybe one of these ideas can be the next key solution to the global climate challenge!

Think Big >

How to help


Ways you can help save the environment is by doing the tedious things like turning off the lights in your room when you are done with them or turning off the water when you are brushing your teeth. Also, you can carpool, which will also help with CO2 emissions. These are the things that you can do to help the earth. It may not seem like a lot but when everyone does it, it leads to a whole lot of change.

Beatrice Stasiuk

These are all great examples of ways to help, biking and walking to close enough places can help with CO2 emissions and help you get more exercise as well. I totally agree that the smaller things help make a big impact. Another example of something that helps out is bringing your own reusable drink cups when you stop at places like starbucks, sometimes you can even get a very small discount from doing this! You can also make a habit of purchasing food and other products that don’t use plastic packaging.  Not only does this reduce waste it cuts emissions used to manufacture the packaging. Volunteering for clean ups and other activities like this around your neighborhood  help a ton and can encourage them to hold these events more often.


I think that these are some excellent points. If enough of us can take many small actions, they are capable of adding up to produce something much more beneficial. Doing things like turning off the lights whenever you leave a room, turning off the water when brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, and stopping the water when you don't need it, can all do a lot to help reduce carbon emissions. Transportation is another thing to consider, as lots of transportation has huge environmental impacts, producing large amounts of carbon dioxide. If we switch to electric cars, hybrid cars, public transportation, or even to walking or biking, it can be very beneficial. I live in a small rural town where these options aren’t as available, but i walk and bike whenever I can. Carpooling is also another thing to consider, especially for those living in more rural towns, as while maybe we don’t have as easy access for public transportation, biking, walking, and electric cars, we can always try to carpool so there is one less trip.

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