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Ocean Acidification

In addition to the famous impacts of atmospheric carbon on global warming, there is an equally worrisome effect of carbon dioxide on the oceans: ocean acidification (or OA for short). Here at I2SEA we have a series of resources about OA, including Our Acidifying Ocean, which is an introductory activity and virtual lab (note: now mobile compatible!).

A student suggested that we start a conversation topic about OA, and here it is! Have you heard about Ocean Acidification? If so, are you worried about it? How do you think we can best raise awareness about it among your fellow students and the general public? Have you seen particularly good links or films about OA that you would like to share? What are you doing to address the problem?

Ocean Acidification >

human caused ocean acidification

liza da donkey

as the ocean becomes more acidic we are going to lose the shelled creatures. their shells will dicinigrate and they will parish while we keep driving our cars and burning more carbon. but losing these animals will effect us as food chains fall apart and more sea life goes underfed. 1 in 7 people survive of fish, and if fish become small and underfed, much of our population will too. not only that but many people will lose their jobs. the fish indestry is large and important. i think the first people that will see the first major impacts of climate change will be the fish farmers that work with the ocean.


I agree, ocean acidification has been the cause to mass extinctions in the past and this could very well happen again. Lots of the worlds population rely on fish. The death of our oceans is one of the largest challenges of our generation. People in the fishing industry already are seeing decline in sea life’s health and quantity. For example, in Maine the lobster industry has been suffering greatly because of rising ocean temperatures. If temperature increase continues, 5600 people could lose their jobs.

Brian Pacman

I completely agree, as the ocean becomes more acidic it is bound to affect our marine life. And with people being dependent on the amount of marine life just to have a full stomach it can cause many problems for us in the future going forwards. Also I agree with fish farmers being the first affected, as with any other job associated with marine life if the marine life continues to deteriorate it will result in many people to be strpped away from their livlihoods. Yet this is also why this problem must be realized by people around the world, that this is a major consequence coming from climate change.

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