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Ocean Acidification

In addition to the famous impacts of atmospheric carbon on global warming, there is an equally worrisome effect of carbon dioxide on the oceans: ocean acidification (or OA for short). Here at I2SEA we have a series of resources about OA, including Our Acidifying Ocean, which is an introductory activity and virtual lab (note: now mobile compatible!).

A student suggested that we start a conversation topic about OA, and here it is! Have you heard about Ocean Acidification? If so, are you worried about it? How do you think we can best raise awareness about it among your fellow students and the general public? Have you seen particularly good links or films about OA that you would like to share? What are you doing to address the problem?

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Ocean Acidification

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radu8dda   2024-04-19 09:35:57 (Last post: 2024-05-12 21:01:44)
Protect the ocean!

Protecting the ocean is essential for life on Earth.Oceans are vital sources of oxygen,food and resources,and their conservation is crucial to our health and the health of global ecosystems.

regi2BOD   2024-05-12 16:11:39

Yes, I agree but how do we protect our ocean from acidification? First, we must understand what causes acidification. Ocean acidification is caused because more carbon dioxide is dissolving into the Ocean than ever before. It is natural for CO2 to dissolve into the ocean because the Ocean is a carbon sink. However, because of the industrial revolution and deforestation a surplus amount is being absorbed by the ocean which lowers the ocean's pH levels. The lower the pH levels are the more harmful it is to certain organisms who depend on the Ocean to survive. We must find ways to lower our carbon emissions as a whole to prevent any further extra acidification.

read this article to learn more on this topic:
https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/quick-qu … uses-ocean-

japrabod   2024-05-12 19:50:27

I agree, and even little things you can do at home can help protect ocean life. Things such as properly disposing of waste and conserving water are great ways to help even just a small amount. Another great way is to use less energy around the house, ways to do this are using energy efficient appliances and lightbulbs, keeping lights off when your not using them, and trying to limit large appliance usage. Even if these make a small difference if everyone pitches in we can help the bigger picture greatly. Many corporations also help contribute to restoring and conserving ocean life, they do this through many techniques such as rebuilding reefs and salt marshes that guard against storms and flooding, and protecting "Super Reefs" which are reefs which can survive hot temperatures and are used to help grow new generations of coral. We can make a difference by supporting and donating to these corporations which often rely on donations to operate.

https://www.nature.org/en-us/what-we-do … our-ocean/


kileBOD   2024-05-12 21:01:44

I completely agree; oceans are one of the most important contributors to human life. However, humans have caused great damage to the ocean. So how can we protect the ocean, and keep it healthy? Well, according to National Geographic, there are over 5.25 trillion of plastic in the ocean. This plastic kills sea life and is incredibly damaging to the ocean. To fix this, we can try to limit the plastic we use and correctly sort our trash. For example, instead of buying Ziploc bags, you can buy glass containers, which are reusable and don't cause damage to the environment after you dispose of them. Limiting your use of plastic leads to less plastic being put in the ocean. Similarly, we can also protect our ocean from acidification. Ocean acidification is the decrease in the pH of the ocean caused by too much carbon dioxide. The ocean naturally absorbs CO2, but abounding too much can lead to acidificaction, which harms sea plants and animals. To stop this crisis, we can try to limit our carbon footprint. According to I2SEA, the average human produces 3 791 kgs of CO2 per year, and even more in the United States. To reduce this number, we can drive to avoid driving and can use public transportation, biking, or walking instead. We can also try to invest in renewable energy sources, like solar panels, which use energy from the sun for electricity. This not only reduces your carbon footprint but saves you money. You can also try to eat less meat. Animals produce a lot of greenhouse gases, and not eating meat means not giving money to these companies that exploit and harvest animals.

https://education.nationalgeographic.or … ns-remain/

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ZackUSA   2024-04-24 11:30:27
Ocean Acidification

What is ocean acidification? Well, for starters, it is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's ocean. This is caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This topic is important to the carbon footprint because it’s caused by all the carbon dioxide. When taking the survey, it gave us numbers that show how much carbon dioxide we produce throughout the things that we do. These things include any type of transportation, what kind of food you eat, how often you use energy in your house depending on if it’s gas or electric, and the things you buy. Bad things could happen to our waters if we don’t make an attempt to prevent ocean acidification. For example, the first thing that affects us is that we won’t be able to swim in the ocean. The second example is that these changes can affect seafood supplies and the ocean's ability to store pollutants, including future carbon emissions. You may ask, “what are some ways that we could prevent this though?” Well, even living in the midwest away from oceans, reducing  the amount of carbon dioxide emissions at home, at the office, and on the road can still help with the problem. The carbon dioxide that we as humans release comes from burning fossil fuels. When we do that, it increases the acidity in the ocean allowing carbon dioxide to dissolve. The best things to do in a home that helps decrease the amount fossil fuels being burned include, swapping your furnace for a heat pump (many people in Canada rely on fossil fuels to heat homes), replacing your gas water heater with a heat pump water heater, trading your gas stove for an induction stove, and replacing your gas fireplace with an electric one. You can also use LED lights in the house that helps with the amount of energy being used. More things that people can do include turning off lights, computers, televisions, video games and other electrical equipment when you're not using them, limiting the use of air conditioning, and trying to use more things that take electricity instead of gas, like cars or stoves. These are all easy ways that humans can prevent ocean acidification. The hard thing is trying to get multiple people to go to beaches and pick up all the litter and trash people are throwing and letting dissolve into the ocean and atmosphere. For many years, people have been trying to get others to quit littering, lawmakers have even tried to make it illegal, but that doesn’t stop everyone. Although, the less people emitting fossil fuels, the better. Overall, if more people make an effort to do these things, then the ocean will be thriving again and coral reefs will stop fading in color.

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Qbi Wang   2024-04-24 02:52:03 (Last post: 2024-04-24 03:02:01)
ocean acidification

Ocean acidification refers to the decrease in the pH level of the world's oceans, it is caused by the carbon dioxide from the atmmosphere. When Co2 dissolves in salt water, it forms carbonic acid, when then dissolve into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions, which lowers the pH of the water.

Why is ocean acidification a problem?
First, the lower of the pH level affects the lives of marine animals such as corals, mollusks, and some plankton species especially to build and maintain their shells and skeletons composition which is made out of calcium carbonate. If it is severe enough, it can cause problem in the marine food chain. Second, the coral reef decline. Coral reefs are vulnerable to ocean acidification. As they lose their ability to form and maintain their calcium carbonate structures, they will eventually collapses and die. This will affect the biodiversuty and the habitats supported by the coral reefs. Third, ocean acidification can distrupt the entire marine ecosystem, affecting species diversity and changing the predator prey relationship.

How do we solve ocean acidification?
One way that we can reduce ocean acidification whcih is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which means to be conscious of your energy use. Some ways we can do this is to drive less, switch to fluorescent light bulbs, and compost your food waste. To protect the ocean, we must also stabalize the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

j@miecheng   2024-04-24 03:02:01

Ocean acidification is something that could ultimately affect us as well, since coral reefs are part of the ecosystem in the ocean. Each year, world trade in fish and fisheries products in 2023 is estimated at 65 million tonnes, which would also make our economy go down. To make the ocean acidification rate go down, we have to cut down our usage of fossil fuel and carbon emissions. To do this, we could take public transportations such as the metro or instead of driving, we could bike to the destination. That way, not only would you save the Earth, you would be exercising as well. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could be reduced by the way we live daily.

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TaraUSA   2024-04-23 11:28:28
Ocean Acidification

What is ocean acidification? It is when the Ph of the ocean is reduced over an extended period of time. Ocean acidification is mainly caused by uptake in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon has been increasing over 200 years due to burning fossil fuels and land use change. The ocean absorbs a lot of carbon from the atmosphere, about 30%. When the carbon levels rise in the atmosphere they also rise in the ocean. When the carbon is absorbed by the seawater a chemical reaction happens causing more hydrogen ions. More hydrogen ions means the seawater will become more acidic but the water being more acidic carbonate ions to be less abundant. Certain fish have the ability to detect predators and when the water is acidic this ability decreases. Effects on other marine organisms are the extra acidity make it harder for things like coral and plankton to create their shell and skeleton. If the organism already has its shell it will begin to dissolve. Some things could benefit from the increased carbon. Some algae and seagrass are one of the ones that benefit from the carbon because it increases their photosynthetic and growth rates. More things the acidity can harm are mollusks, their shells could be very weak or dissolving. The marine organisms also can experience other changes such as abundance, changes in growth, development and survival because of ocean acidification. What can coastal decision makers do? Everyone can try to reduce their greenhouse gas admissions but the best way is to use the adaption approach. The adaption approach is changing things in your daily lives that will help produce less carbon into the atmosphere. What can we do to help? The only thing that will help the ocean acidification is lowering carbon admission. Ocean acidification is a serious thing that effects the environment, animals, etc and by reducing it the marine organisms will be able the develop normally.

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YadiraUSA   2024-04-23 10:11:56
Ocean Acidification, why its bad and what we can do to help.

Ocean acidification is a reduction of pH of the ocean over an extended period of time, caused by the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Ocean acidification is not good because this can create conditions that eat away at the minerals used by oysters, clams, lobsters, shrimp, coral reefs, and other marine life to build their shells and skeletons. Not only is this bad for marine life but also human health. This condition can cause harmful algae species to produce more toxins and bloom later in acidified waters. This will only be harmful to humans if this is affected by shellfish or sicken fish consumed by humans. This is not only affecting humans but industries as well. For example, Alaska fisheries are suffering the consequences of ocean acidification. The Great Barrier Reef is being affected as well. There has been a decline of living corals, causing a reduction of habitat for living fish. Now how can we stop this? Helping stop emissions is a way we can help stop this since ocean acidification is caused by an increase of carbon dioxide. By trying to decrease the annual output, for example, cars, we can decrease the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere, helping stop ocean acidification. Sure this might be a slow way of stopping ocean acidification but it will help over time. Along with decreasing the output of carbon dioxide we can also help by protecting and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems. Just planting kelp and seaweed forest allows them to absorb the greenhouse gasses and can help restore the oceans environment. In conclusion, if we want to keep out marine life and ecosystems safe we should take part in helping reduce/stop ocean acidification.

https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107 … %20warming.

https://www.epa.gov/ocean-acidification … 0community.

https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/aci … atmosphere.

https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/insight/ … %20concern.

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SophyUSA11   2024-04-23 05:42:46
Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is the reduction of the earth’s PH. This can create conditions that eat away at the minerals used by oysters, clams, lobsters, shrimp, coral reefs, and other marine life to build their shells and skeletons. This causes a human health concern. Although ocean acidification doesn’t make the water dangerous for swimming, it can upset the balance of the multitude of microscopic life found. This can affect the seafood supplies for us humans while also deteriorating the oceans ability to store pollutants like carbon emission. Ocean Acidification reduces the amount of carbonate, a key building block in seawater. This makes it more difficult for marine organisms, such as coral and plankton when trying to form new shells and skeletons. The oceans have absorbed more than 150 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted from human activities. Those activities include the burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, and deforestation. With the increase in those human activities, slow, long-term changes in the carbon cycle can influence ocean acidity over time. Today, more than a billion people worldwide rely on food from the oceans as their primary source of protein. About 20 percent of the world’s population derives at least one-fifth of its animal intake from fish. Since ocean acidification has a negative effect on marine species. This often alters the marine food chains and food supply to humans. As a way to help ocean acidification, humans can start by reducing carbon dioxide emissions at home, at the office, and on the road. Also another way that we can limit ocean acidification and help improve it is by acting on climate change and watching the amount of fossil fuels we use as a community. If we limit the amount of fossil fuels we use right now we can stop future harm to the oceans as well as future warming. Doing this we can significantly reduce the harm towards our marine ecosystem. Overall, Ocean acidification    is something that might not be concerning to all but is definitely something that people to look at and try and solve. It won’t just take one person to try and solve the problem of ocean acidification but a whole community to try and solve an issue like this if we want a better future for our ocean.

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Andrei.moisă   2024-04-19 01:46:45 (Last post: 2024-04-22 16:26:49)
Combatting Ocean acidification

To halt ocean acidification, we must reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy sources, preserve coastal ecosystems, and invest in research. Collective efforts are essential to safeguard the ocean's delicate balance and the biodiversity it sustains.

anwaCPS   2024-04-22 16:26:49

Yes, I agree that we must reduce carbon emissions to halt ocean acidification (as well as the other solutions you proposed). The ocean absorbs 30% of the carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere, and this CO2 causes the ocean's pH to drop. A lower pH means that the ocean becomes more acidic. This is a huge problem. As many of the ocean's fish depend on specific pH levels to detect predators, a more acidic ocean puts these organisms at risk--and perhaps the entire food web. This butterfly effect puts people at danger as well, especially coastal communities who depend on food from the ocean.

See this article for more: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/aci … atmosphere.

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whopper   2023-05-03 22:27:09 (Last post: 2024-04-21 13:25:21)
Importance of our Ocean

We have already polluted the ocean too much.  We should protect and take care of our ocean.  Human beings are spending trillions of dollars for military budgets and also a lot are used for a lot of things that are unnecessary, such as playing golf, drinking beer or burning a cigarette.  If we spend more money towards saving the Earth and our precious ocean, we might have a chance of reviving our ocean into a cleaner place for the animals living in the environment.

Bobby the monkey   2023-05-03 22:31:02

I totally agree with you. U think very good keep thinking

Connor Wenkai Chen   2023-05-03 22:31:31

I agree, people have been exploring the space but human have only explore 5 percent of our ocean and they should stop exploring outside the world and start exploring our own planet.

AllenKang   2023-05-03 23:22:15

I also agree, there are too much trashes such as plastics, glasses, and other harmful material that human throw in to the ocean. We should keep researching about the ocean and also care for it to protect our environment.

quhabod   2023-05-13 16:45:14

I agree as well, there are many factors that are contributing to the negative impact on our planet. The ocean is one of the most important parts of the earth. The oceans hold a lot of life on earth, help regulate our climates, and are even very important carbon sinks. The pollution and poisoning of our waters do more than just kill the wildlife, when the trash and plastics decompose they use oxygen to do so, slowly taking away the oxygen that the ocean produces away from the atmosphere. On top of that it is a vital and important part of the water cycle.

To learn more:
https://www.texasdisposal.com/blog/ocea … 0depletion.
https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/ … vaporation.

Der_WylldeKerl 3   2023-05-15 04:05:07

I think would more people think like u the ocean were already a cleaner place of our Earth

aidenkt   2023-10-24 11:54:54

I'm sure that a lot of our young generation would agree with you, but it's far easier said than done and many people in power right now are selfish, self-centered and don't really care about future generations and their quality of life.

Heidi M   2023-11-06 08:03:24

I think your idea could work in a span of many years because it could be complicated to change the habits of humans that’s been going on for years and some parts of your idea has to do with the government. People would have to convince the government to not fund as much money into the military instead into our acidifying ocean. Some of the things you listed as unnecessary are drinking beer and burning a cigarette. These habits of humans may be a problem to just avert away from since the economy gets some benefits from it because of the money they produce. These companies producing beer and cigarettes also benefit people who are in need of jobs. These obstacles may cause problems to stop the use of money in unnecessary activities. We need to make a big organization or get a large following of people who want the ocean acidification to be taken seriously.

makim1715   2023-11-07 00:51:59

I agree, a lot of people are irresponsible with their money and spend it on meaningless objects to receive temporary pleasure. Some people even use it for drugs, smoking, and drinking (stuff that causes addiction in general) which is not only bad for the human, but for the environment as well. You can find so much cigarettes butts on the filthy roads which are just polluted with plastic and glass. If we all combined our money and put it to good use, like collecting plastic form the seas, we can all reduce our carbon footprint, save marine life, and cause less pollution.

IsabelleS   2023-11-10 15:42:49

I agree, we spend so much money on meaningless things, when we could be spending our money on trying to save our oceans. There is so much junk that gets tossed into our oceans and we should be trying to educate those who dont understand its importance. we need to be putting more money into saving our earth, rather then on things that are a one time use and meaningless.

kaweCPS   2024-04-21 13:25:21

Hey! You're so right! The biggest contributors to ocean pollution include runoff from human activities (both coastal and further inland) such as septic tanks, farms, and other big machinery. These examples are called nonpoint source pollution, coming from many different sources and much more frequent compared to its counterpart, point source pollution. Point source pollution is pollution with one origin, such as spills or discharge from oil rigs or other factories. When pollution like this happens, it messes with the quality of the water a lot (pH, acidity, temperature, etc.) and causes habitat loss for many sea animals that live somewhat close to land.

https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource … -pollution

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Yasmin27   2022-11-04 15:01:52 (Last post: 2024-04-20 17:00:23)
Negative causes of ocean acidification

Ocean acidification is the reduction in the pH of the Earth’s ocean. This process takes place over periods lasting decades or more. Its main cause is the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This, in turn, increases CO2 concentrations in the ocean. Between 23 and 30% of the CO2 that is in the atmosphere dissolves into oceans, rivers and lakes. Acidification is one of several effects of rising CO2 on the ocean. Other chemical changes to the ocean can also cause acidification. As the ocean absorbs CO2, seawater chemistry changes, which changes the living conditions of marine species. Many different species are affected, especially organisms that rely on calcium carbonate shells and skeletons, like mollusks, oysters and corals. Organisms like these struggle to build those parts of their anatomy when ocean waters have increased acidity.

paaaaaaaaaaaaaaat   2022-11-04 15:27:18

Yes, this is very true and it's sad that it is happening. Although it is natural for the ocean to absorb the CO2 in the atmosphere, it does take a long time for the process to complete. With human activity increasing the CO2 emissions, it makes it hard for the ocean to keep up with all the carbon dioxide and balance it all out. And yes, marine life is getting heavily affected by the chemical change in the ocean, if the organisms you mentioned are affected then so will their predators and so on. Their habitats are also affected by ocean acidification, especially coral reefs. Many species have fled or many have died due to coral reefs being affected. With this, most regions have lost many species of fish and most of their food.

Marco Araujo   2022-11-16 15:23:52

Ocean acidification is something that not that many people know about, but it is a very important thing. First of all, when the ocean is more acidic it weakens the shells of shellfish. Like crabs, clams, mussels, and shrimp. The importance of this is that it makes them vulnerable to predators which will stop them from making it too adulthood. Which could lead to extinction. Another important animal that is at risk is corals. Ocean acidity is causing them to get thinner and thinner each day which will eventually make them extinct as well. Lots of coral reefs are dying out rapidly right now imagine how many will be alive by 2050. Scary right.

moapCPS   2024-04-20 16:57:47

Yes, the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has caused the ocean to absorb more carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide and water produce carbonic acid, which releases hydrogen ions. The increase in hydrogen ions decreases the ocean's pH. Our ocean has an average pH of 8.1, but some experts say that the pH could drop down to 7.8 in the 21st century. A large cause of this increase of carbon dioxide is from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. I agree that ocean acidification will be detrimental to many organisms and if we don't do anything about it, could cause the extinction of these animals. The low pH also degrades the coral reefs, which serve as a home to many organisms. Coral reefs also protect coastal lands from erosion, so it will directly affect communities. The best solution to ocean acidification would be to stop burning fossil fuels! We need to stop producing so much carbon dioxide.

moapCPS   2024-04-20 17:00:23

https://www.nrdc.org/stories/ocean-acid … #solutions

Website for info above

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Thomashollins   2024-03-22 08:04:29 (Last post: 2024-04-16 00:29:53)
Coral Reef Protection

The coral reefs are disappearing quickly. Coral reefs make up of most of the fish in the oceans habitats. Coral bleaching is destroying the Great Barrier Reef and other small reefs all over the world. The ocean is loosing it’s biodiversity allow with the fish we humans depend on

Mkalloch   2024-03-22 08:20:21

I agree, protecting coral reefs is substantial to the environment of ocean life as well as the food chain, not only is the major for ocean life but also humans jobs resources because with out collar reefs there wont be huge attractions for sourest. There will also be less fish for fishing.

Thoe.chandler   2024-03-22 11:45:08

I agree, this topic is not discussed as much but I think is equally important. This is extremely important to ocean life and we need to do something to help preserve coral reefs.

Amellia   2024-04-16 00:29:53

I agree if all the coral reefs die there will be nothing to slow down the force of waves and that will cause tsunamis. Not wearing sunscreen in to the ocean will help a lot because the sunscreen kills the corals. If the reefs die, a lot of fishes will lose protection and the food chain will be messed up. Protecting the reefs is very important because it will effect everything from land to sea.

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darius.ilie   2024-04-10 03:47:52
Urme de elev

Eu și familia mea ne străduim să nu mai consumam combustibil și energie.Sa folosim biciclete

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Lilyshackelford08   2024-03-22 16:53:28 (Last post: 2024-04-05 06:13:39)
Ocean Acidification Effects

Ocean acidification is an important environmental issue caused by increased carbon dioxide absorption in oceans. It’s something we all should worry about because it threatens marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs and shellfish. We need to raise awareness about OA and take action. The documentary “Chasing Coral" might help you understand OA better the effects it has on marine life. We have to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability to protect our oceans.

Willy2   2024-03-28 10:35:21

I agree greatly, the ocean over the years has taken in a lot of CO2 which has made things such as wild life and reefs become less dense and started to kill them. I think this is a great idea on showing how to help this and is a very important topic. It is much more then just doing the little things everyone on this earth needs to contribute to help our ouceans.

Dance32   2024-04-05 06:13:39

Agreed living on the coast the effects of the ocean are very important to me. The oceans acidifying is killing off corral and many fish that rely on the reefs. Among killing plants on the ocean floor that kill the bottom feeder sea animals causing the fish population do decrease.

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