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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

Student Footprints >

How to improve the well-being of the environment


First of all  we are the key, only we can change the world and we must try. We can try using the bicycle when we can or we can turn off the lights on unnecessarily and the most important thing we can do is reduce the use of water for example when we brush our teeth to close it when we don’t use it instead of letting it flow. We have to believe in this process because we choose the destinity of the world and of the environment. We must commit ourselves by doing small actions every day to improve the world.


I agree, its improtant to do small actions every day to improve our earth


I agree that small actions must be taken to slightly improve our planet little by little but big risks and invetions have to be taken and made to heavily improve our planet.



Gabriella D

I agree if we all committed to make small actions to reduce our carbon footprints it would make a big difference, but we don’t. Many people, for various reasons refuse to commit to any action, which is why I feel along with this we need legislature to back it up and not just recommendations. We need real, enforced legislature that gives people consequences for partaking/contributing to the death of this planet.

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