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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants or Needs


Wants and needs can be difficult to determine but there are things that we need such as food, water, shelter. Things that we want can be clothes, electronics, etc. I do think that we need clothes but I don’t think that we have to constantly buy new ones just because we get bored of wearing the same things. Just like cellphones, we keep them for a few years and then we decide to buy a new one because it starts to get slow and worn down, but do we really need to buy a new one if it still works fine. I think that’s where the lines blur between want and need.

Kaytee K

In the past i had some trouble with wants or needs but i think maturing is realising this. I try to get a good use out of everything that i own and only buy if it’s necessary. I haven’t bought new clothes since my birthday which was more than a month ago but that was a special occasion. I agree that it can be difficult thinking about which is a necessity and which is i want. Using your advice could help a lot of people to think about their carbon footprint and what they ready have.


I totally agree that the lines between wants and needs is frequently blurred. Another thing that kind of tags along with this thought is the fact that so many of us live in excess. Like you said clothes are a necessity but the amount of clothes, and where we get them from is a completely different story. I think it’s important for people to buy clothes and things second hand. When you buy things second hand it’s reusing and doesn’t support the super high demand and production for new clothes. Also if you are going to buy brand new clothes it’s important to buy them from sustainable, and humane companies. Between realizing that sometimes you don’t need that new shirt and buying second hand I think we can make a big improvement on our carbon footprints.

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