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Ocean Acidification

In addition to the famous impacts of atmospheric carbon on global warming, there is an equally worrisome effect of carbon dioxide on the oceans: ocean acidification (or OA for short). Here at I2SEA we have a series of resources about OA, including Our Acidifying Ocean, which is an introductory activity and virtual lab (note: now mobile compatible!).

A student suggested that we start a conversation topic about OA, and here it is! Have you heard about Ocean Acidification? If so, are you worried about it? How do you think we can best raise awareness about it among your fellow students and the general public? Have you seen particularly good links or films about OA that you would like to share? What are you doing to address the problem?

Ocean Acidification >

coral bleaching


Coral bleaching is a process where coral reefs lose their color due to stress caused by environmental factors such as rising ocean temperatures. Climate change, specifically the increase in ocean temperatures, is the primary cause of coral bleaching. When the water is too warm, the symbiotic algae that live within the coral are expelled, leaving the coral weakened and vulnerable to disease. Coral reefs are vital to the health of the ocean, as they support an incredible variety of marine life. The loss of coral reefs due to bleaching can have devastating impacts on marine ecosystems and the people who depend on them. The frequency and severity of coral bleaching events have been increasing, with the Great Barrier Reef experiencing its worst-ever bleaching event in 2016. To combat coral bleaching, it is essential to address the root cause of climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting and restoring coral ecosystems.


I found this interesting because I spend summers on a small island in Adriatic sea called Zlarin - it's known of red corals. I already knew that they are protected species and that Croatia regulates fishing, but your text made me read more about this. I found that even though they are protected, some people can still take them out (but they need to have licences for that), and they also make jewelry out of it. So, not only sea temperature is endangering them but also people, as usual unfortunately. All of these causes are a real problem, because corals are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, as we know.


I personally think coral bleaching a major problem that can be prevented. As mentioned above, climate change plays a huge role in why corals are bleaching. Corals are extremely important because many oceanic life call them home. Corals are also a great sight to see when scuba diving. Pollution, climate change, and mankind destruction are all causes for this unfortunate event. I really hope people can realize the major problem they're creating and we should all work towards improving it.

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