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Ocean Acidification

In addition to the famous impacts of atmospheric carbon on global warming, there is an equally worrisome effect of carbon dioxide on the oceans: ocean acidification (or OA for short). Here at I2SEA we have a series of resources about OA, including Our Acidifying Ocean, which is an introductory activity and virtual lab (note: now mobile compatible!).

A student suggested that we start a conversation topic about OA, and here it is! Have you heard about Ocean Acidification? If so, are you worried about it? How do you think we can best raise awareness about it among your fellow students and the general public? Have you seen particularly good links or films about OA that you would like to share? What are you doing to address the problem?

Ocean Acidification >

Importance of our Ocean


We have already polluted the ocean too much.  We should protect and take care of our ocean.  Human beings are spending trillions of dollars for military budgets and also a lot are used for a lot of things that are unnecessary, such as playing golf, drinking beer or burning a cigarette.  If we spend more money towards saving the Earth and our precious ocean, we might have a chance of reviving our ocean into a cleaner place for the animals living in the environment.

Bobby the monkey

I totally agree with you. U think very good keep thinking

Connor Wenkai Chen

I agree, people have been exploring the space but human have only explore 5 percent of our ocean and they should stop exploring outside the world and start exploring our own planet.


I also agree, there are too much trashes such as plastics, glasses, and other harmful material that human throw in to the ocean. We should keep researching about the ocean and also care for it to protect our environment.


I agree as well, there are many factors that are contributing to the negative impact on our planet. The ocean is one of the most important parts of the earth. The oceans hold a lot of life on earth, help regulate our climates, and are even very important carbon sinks. The pollution and poisoning of our waters do more than just kill the wildlife, when the trash and plastics decompose they use oxygen to do so, slowly taking away the oxygen that the ocean produces away from the atmosphere. On top of that it is a vital and important part of the water cycle.

To learn more:
https://www.texasdisposal.com/blog/ocea … 0depletion.
https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/ … vaporation.

Der_WylldeKerl 3

I think would more people think like u the ocean were already a cleaner place of our Earth


I'm sure that a lot of our young generation would agree with you, but it's far easier said than done and many people in power right now are selfish, self-centered and don't really care about future generations and their quality of life.

Heidi M

I think your idea could work in a span of many years because it could be complicated to change the habits of humans that’s been going on for years and some parts of your idea has to do with the government. People would have to convince the government to not fund as much money into the military instead into our acidifying ocean. Some of the things you listed as unnecessary are drinking beer and burning a cigarette. These habits of humans may be a problem to just avert away from since the economy gets some benefits from it because of the money they produce. These companies producing beer and cigarettes also benefit people who are in need of jobs. These obstacles may cause problems to stop the use of money in unnecessary activities. We need to make a big organization or get a large following of people who want the ocean acidification to be taken seriously.


I agree, a lot of people are irresponsible with their money and spend it on meaningless objects to receive temporary pleasure. Some people even use it for drugs, smoking, and drinking (stuff that causes addiction in general) which is not only bad for the human, but for the environment as well. You can find so much cigarettes butts on the filthy roads which are just polluted with plastic and glass. If we all combined our money and put it to good use, like collecting plastic form the seas, we can all reduce our carbon footprint, save marine life, and cause less pollution.


I agree, we spend so much money on meaningless things, when we could be spending our money on trying to save our oceans. There is so much junk that gets tossed into our oceans and we should be trying to educate those who dont understand its importance. we need to be putting more money into saving our earth, rather then on things that are a one time use and meaningless.


Hey! You're so right! The biggest contributors to ocean pollution include runoff from human activities (both coastal and further inland) such as septic tanks, farms, and other big machinery. These examples are called nonpoint source pollution, coming from many different sources and much more frequent compared to its counterpart, point source pollution. Point source pollution is pollution with one origin, such as spills or discharge from oil rigs or other factories. When pollution like this happens, it messes with the quality of the water a lot (pH, acidity, temperature, etc.) and causes habitat loss for many sea animals that live somewhat close to land.

https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource … -pollution

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