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Climate Change Resources

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How we can help stop climate change


We can help stop climate change by powering our homes with renewable energy that are certified by certain organizations such as the Green-e-Energy organization. Another action that can help stop climate change is reducing your water waste as it reduces carbon pollution and you can reduce it by taking shorter showers and turning off the water while brushing  your teeth. Th last and final action you can do to help stop climate change is only buying food you know you are going to eat as composting the food you aren’t going to eat can send a lot of methane into the atmosphere.
Source: https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-you-ca … al-warming


I agree with your points; they are essential to help end climate change. I do think the more important things are mining fossil fuels and factories these have high footprints but as people, there is little we can do about this besides support companies with little to no impression. Individually I agree but I think what humans in our area emit the most is travel. Helping lower this can really help lower your footprint we can do this by carpooling or using public transportation whenever possible along with driving instead of using a plane. Planes emit so much carbon and not taking them could really improve your footprint. I agree with everything you said but I think transportation is really important, especially in America.
https://www.nytimes.com/guides/year-of- … -footprint


We can help climate change by actually putting in effort to make a change. Instead of just preaching that climate change is bad, use that energy to influence other individuals. Even starting with small things could influence others to follow along.


I agree with your points; I think there are more things also to account here, first f all I think that if we reduce the amount of transportation via fossil fuel ran vehicles, we can solve a big problem; I think we can solve this by carpooling or having EV Vehicles, etc.


I think it would be a great help if people converted to electrical cars, although that's kinda hard since they're very expensive.


I agree! Sure, how you change your lifestyle doesn't matter in the picture by itself, but if everyone changes their lifestyle, no matter how small the changes are, it can really make a difference.I also agree with the fact that transportation is a big contributor to carbon emissions and that we as a society should improve on how we go about getting from A to B.

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