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Wants or Needs?-Meat consumption


There are son many different ways for people to get protein provided by meat without actually eating meat that it is appalling that people chose to still eat the corpses of dead animals, and calling it food. Plant based meat is a much better alternative. It is healthier, better for animals, and in some cases, it tastes better. Now, there is a debate that some people make: Plant based meat is expensive! That brings me to another point, plant based meat costs should be lowered and readily available for everyone.


I agree. One of the primary sources of meat, beef (cow meat), is detrimental to the environment because the digestion process of cows produce a lot of methane that is released into the atmosphere. The US is also the country that consumes the most amount of beef by a long shot, so even switching to other meat sources like chicken, is a way to help our ecosystem and reduce the amount of beef production. Plant based meat is also another great option, although it isn't available to everyone, which is unfortunate. However, in the future, more affordable plant based meet would be an excellent solution,


I hope your mom buys plant based meat for family dinner and gets food poisoning and dies.


I can totally see what you are saying for this point and that killing animals contributes to climate a fair bit, but i believe that consuming meat is a personal choice and shouldn't be something we should shame others for doing. So many people get there income from selling meat and that is the only source of income, and putting them out of business would create even more homelessness in the world. But to touch on what i said at the start, it is a personal choice and the best thing you can do if you feel strongly about this is educating people about this (like you are doing) and sharing your perspective. Me personally i dont eat much red meat, but i do eat chicken and fish and i find that perfectly fine.


abmcfly, while I think Gatlin_696969 went a little to far, the consumption of meat is part of the cycle of life, while I think factory farms that kill thousands of animals a day are very bad, humanity has been sustainably living of animals since cave men with no problems until the industrial revolution, eating animals isn't bad, the industrial killing of animals is.
ps. there is no plant based meat that tastes nearly as delicious as a good medium rare steak.


While there may be many ways to consume food in a more sustainable fashion, most options are not realistic for the average family. With food prices rising, we have to consider that not everyone can afford a plant based, organic, whole foods meal on a daily basis. It is unfair to assume that those people are doing this with a total disregard for the planet, or that they simply cannot be bothered. Abmcfly, you argue that the cost of plant based meat should be lowered, but it really is not that simple. While I am not here to defend large corporations, I have to assume that they can’t change the price tags on a whim. While you may be in a position to have a plant based diet, it is important to remember that not everyone is, and to not imply that everyone who eats meat is a bad person fo doing so.

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