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Fast fashion is killing the planet very fast

Audrey Pearl

Brands like ZARA, and H&M are some of the many brands that do what is known as “fast fashion”. If you have any social media you know very well that trends come and go a lot. These brands grab on to these trends and as soon as they are out of style, the clothes are thrown in a landfill and the cycle continues. You might say that not all brands do this but without proper research you might not know. Another point is that the clothes are not good quality and are made from plastic. In 2021 the fast fashion industry released almost 900 million metric tons of CO2. If that doesn’t tell you that something needs to change,  I don't know what else will. The next question you might have is “what is the alternative?” Well I have just the answer. Thrifting, getting hammy downs, and consigning clothes are all ways you can not participate in fast fashion. If you are worried about quality, there are plenty of higher end thrift stores all over and it not like all clothes at thrift stores are bad. Also, using clothes to their fullest and even repairing clothes yourself can help them have a longer life span. Overall, fast fashion is awful for the environment, and there are so many other, better options to get your clothes.

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