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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?


global warming is something that we caused by not caring about the environment or planet earth itself


Yes, global warming is human-caused and has contributed to climate change. A main factor is greenhouse gas emissions being emitted into the atmosphere and trapping the sun's heat, resulting in the greenhouse effect keeping heat near the earth's surface. A prime example is human's excessive usage of plastic and nonbiodegradable trash that when burned releases carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen into the atmosphere. Gas waste containing nitrogen accounts for water pollution and acidic rains. According to the United Nations Climate Action, today the earth's temperature regulations are warming at a faster rate than ever seen before in history with increased temperatures altering weather patterns across various regions and disrupting the balance of ecosystems. Other defining factors that lead to climate change include burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas has amounted to over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Cutting down forests also prompts climate change because trees both absorb and store large amounts of carbon dioxide. Deforestation is the cause for about 10% of climate change because when trees are chopped down the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. I think that climate change is very real and is a result of humans disrupting the earth's natural balance of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Though climate change is irreversible, I think its rate can be slowed and we can reduce the amount of human-caused emissions of carbon. Instead as a society, we can look to use renewable and sustainable practices to cut back on waste and pollution.

*United Nations-Climate Action-Causes and Effects of Climate Change
*European Parliament-Climate Change: the greenhouse gases causing global warming
*EPA-Climate Change Indicators: Greenhouse Gases

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