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Corporate responsibility (new topic, Sep 2021!)

How much responsibility do corporations have for the climate crisis and for stepping up with solutions?

Here at the ISCFC we are committed to promoting personal, community, national and planetary solutions to reduce our environmental impacts and boldly confront the climate crisis. But as individuals, we can feel powerless when there are huge corporations -such as the fossil fuel industry and factory farms– that are disproportionately responsible for carbon emissions of the past and the present.

What should we do about this? Do you agree that corporations should do more? And if so, what does that mean exactly? How do we persuade or impel polluting industries to change their ways?

Corporate responsibility >

Water as power?

Yoyo Cheng

Water as power is very cheap and easy to use. Sea water is most of the water in the world, yet we still don’t use it as normal and it will be very good for the enviornment. Use water as an efficent power source will be easy and will help a lot to the enviornment seeing that power is most of the carbon footprint we use.


I agree with you because water can be used as power. We can farm this from sea water since there is so much of it. This is also good for the environment because it can suck carbon dioxide out of the air.


water is a possibility and is good for the environment, but considering that big corporations that use gas as fuel would want efficiency I don't see it being that realistic. Big corporations care for money there are only a handful that actually do care and most of those aren't that successful. So although it's a possibility it's not realistic.


GasparRay is right. Companies are greedy by not saving the planet, but by earning money. But when there is no Earth to get money, what are they going to do? If we use water and companies are not greedy enough, half of climate change would disappear and it’s a possibility that we can use this new invention to cars. Japan has already started to make cars based of water but I don’t think it would be likely because oil companies will just pay a lot of money to stop production or they would collapse financially. So it is a 50/50 chance water can be used as power.

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