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Environmental Justice (new topic, Feb 2021!)

Can we solve the climate crisis without confronting global inequities?

A recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA found that white residents in the USA produce more climate pollution than black or hispanic residents, but black and hispanic people are exposed to more air pollution.

And that is just the USA! Think about the global inequities in the "haves" and the "have nots".

And how are we going to lift people out of poverty without making the climate crisis even worse?

If you are a resident in a wealthy country, is it your responsibility to address both problems at once? And what would that look like in terms of national and international policy?

Environmental Justice >

Why oil is bad for the environment


Hi my name is Henry today i would like to discuss why oil is bad for our environment. Oil was first discover around the 600BC by the Chinese at first it was mainly use to transport bamboo as time changed the first car invented around the second world war that was when oil was start being use for automobile. Till today oil is one of the main fuel use for cars, but even though its a great fuel for cars but did you know that oil can actually damage the environment based on a article written by the World Wildlife Fund organization they state that Oil and gas operations could release many tons of harmful pollutants into the air and discharge dangerous chemicals into the water, thereby degrading the clean air and water. Not only that it will damage the environment but the toxic effects of inhaling vapors and ingesting oil when grooming or feeding can cause animals sick therefore i believe that using oil is damaging our environment.

By Henry
Heres a video from youtube about this discussing i will post down here


Hi Henry, I hope that companies could stop using oil but unfortunately for this time, it is like a fantasy story being told to small children. Big companies would die not to stop oil production since you would get lots and lots of money. But what happens if there is no Earth to earn that money? Do companies think that far into the future? Adults now only think about their life now, not about our life as Gen Z or Gen Alpha. They will life a life with luxury and air to breathe but for us, dirt and air hard to breathe. Adults only created Covid, not us as children. They are the reason why the only home we have is at risk. But, adults are hard to control, especially since the “Golden Rule” says respect your “eLdErS”.


I completely agree with this statement. Companies using oil is causing tons of pollution to our Earth. Companies nowadays are thinking about saving money, making profit, and thinking about current times. Thankfully many companies are starting to turn from gas cars to electric cars. Many companies are thinking making their cost cheaper and making high profit, using gas now are more efficient and cost saving for many tools. But it is pretty hard to get companies to start going to electric

W Smores

I agree that oil is bad for the environment.


Hi Henry, I agree what you said. Although oil is a conventional source, it still caused a lot of damage to our world. People should start taking this seriously and take actions too. Like, understand how it impacts out world and know what you can help.

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