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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants or Needs?


We all want things we can’t have whether it’s clothes, traveling, etc. Wants and needs are very different. Needs are the things we need in life such as a roof over your head, water, and food. Wants are things we don’t necessarily need but buy for our own entertainment. To fix our limitations for wants, we must know if we need to buy it or not. Before we buy stuff that we want, consider these questions: Do I need it? What do I gain from this? How much does it cost? With these questions, it will help you decide whether or not you should buy the product. Adding limits to what we want, we can make the world a better place. Overconsumption occurs in a lot of countries with the excessive use of something.
Overconsumption is one of the causes of bad climate change and environment damage. Overconsumption can worsen greenhouse gas emissions and cause bad pollution. Which is why thinking before we buy something can help the world become a better place. After all, this is our home.


Exactly. Think before you do something that can be harmful to our precious yet dying planet. You might want something, but you might not need it. This is the case where you decide: Do you want to buy something that's unnecessary just because you saw it, liked it, and wanted to buy it? Or do you want to help reduce carbon footprint and save the Earth? Of course, you can still reward yourself with small gifts, but I hope we can all focus on saving the Earth. In other words, we are just preventing our greedy actions from destroying our planet.

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