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Environmental Justice (new topic, Feb 2021!)

Can we solve the climate crisis without confronting global inequities?

A recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA found that white residents in the USA produce more climate pollution than black or hispanic residents, but black and hispanic people are exposed to more air pollution.

And that is just the USA! Think about the global inequities in the "haves" and the "have nots".

And how are we going to lift people out of poverty without making the climate crisis even worse?

If you are a resident in a wealthy country, is it your responsibility to address both problems at once? And what would that look like in terms of national and international policy?

Environmental Justice >

Happy Late Earth Day


Every year, people throughout the world commemorate Earth Day to show support for environmental conservation. Earth Day inspires people to come together and take action in favor of a healthier world and a better future by serving as a global reminder of the importance of environmental sustainability and conservation. How can you support our house in any way? Here are a few easy ways we can all do our part to improve the planet. We have the option to take part in beach clean-ups and donate to companies who recycle plastic to make bags, chairs, and even tables (Enviro Tech Winder recycling)! Even the simplest actions can have the greatest impact on our world such as bringing your bags when you go shopping and using reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic ones in the supermarket. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, about 5 trillion plastic bags are used by Americans each year. This ends up with about over one trillion plastic bags in the ocean. Imagine all the animals suffering and ending up dead because they're thinking that the plastic bags are jellyfish due to the way they move. Earth Day is just a friendly reminder that the earth is polluted with tons of trash and that it is our responsibility to take care of it and help clean it up.

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