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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants Vs Needs


Wants and needs are very different from each other because a want is something that you do not need but you desire to have. A need is something that is needed for human survival. When it comes to spending, a need should be 50% of your budget and a want should be 30% of your budget. A want is something that can improve your quality of life. Wants may be helpful or make life easier but unless you die without them they are not considered needs. A need includes food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Needs are those items that are required for life and do not change with time. As opposed to, wants are those items that are desired by an individual either right now or in future. Therefore, wants might change over time. Some people choose wants over needs because they have a self centeerd outlook on life. They are self indulgent, pleasure seeking and unrestrained when it comes to satisfying their desires. Needs are secondary and only come into the picture if they provide personal pleasure or satisfaction. Understanding the difference between wants and needs frees us from unnecessary burdens and begins to align our lives with more lasting fulfillment. Before we buy stuff that we want, consider these questions: Do I need it? What do I gain from this? How much does it cost? With these questions, it will help you decide whether or not you should buy the product. Adding limits to what we want, we can make the world a better place. Having the latest technology is typically considered a want rather than a need. While technology can enhance productivity, communication, and entertainment, it's not essential for basic survival or well-being.



Its possible the newkids on the block


Ethan USA

I agree that you should have a budget on the amount you spend on the things you want but we all only live once and what's the point of not having what you want. Spending half your money on the necessities also seems a little excessive. You could just lower how much you're buying of everything in general. You said that a want is just meant for personal pleasure and based on that if you don't buy your wants you'll just be bored. Wants and needs don't have to carry burdens unless you make it have one. I would say that asking the questions like if you need it or how much it costs would create more of a burden just live life. I see where you're coming from with the new technologies but the consumers will buy it no matter what because it's “better”. Also with that everything that is a need can be too expensive like certain pieces of clothes. So like I said earlier, limiting how much is spent on needs can help. Also those questions should be the ones we think about because people really make dumb decisions in the heat of the moment. Some other people don't really think about those questions. Also thinking about how these things impact our lives, a want is sometimes needed for human survival. I disagree on how you said modern technology is a need because if you have an older phone or car it could create a lot of problems in your life. Like having to spend more money on your car which would increase spending on the carbon footprint. A need is not always something for human survival because you’ve gone so many years without something that is a need and not having it for a little more doesn’t really matter.
https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2018/ … footprint/
https://www.forritcu.org/needs-vs-wants … ifference/

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