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Darren Hunt

Earth may never be the same if we humans keep living like this. Everything would be different due to climate change. But today I will share with you how to avoid it. First of all, what is climate change? Climate change is changing average weather, making it warmer, wetter, or drier for a short or long period. How can humans do differently to avoid the effects of climate change? In this paper, I will explore the concept of climate change, its primary causes, the impact of the greenhouse effect, and steps we can all take to lower its effects.

    The Greenhouse effect is a metaphor for what is happening to Earth now. A greenhouse is a house with glass on all sides and plants inside. We are allowing sunlight to get into it. When the Sun sets the heat will still be trapped inside keeping the plants warm throughout the night or during winter. Humans are also inside our little greenhouse when we emit too many greenhouse gasses, including Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water Vapor. Before humans had the right amount of greenhouse gasses, but due to human activities, we now experience more greenhouse gasses, making Earth hotter. These greenhouse gasses may come from burning fossil fuels and driving cars. This makes Earth hotter due to the amount of gasses we are making, and letting it be trapped in our atmosphere. We are inside the greenhouse trapped with all this heat. Completely eradicating climate change to 0 would be impossible. But we can still slowly decrease the number we have right now. I will tell you how we can slowly decrease climate change. First, we could save energy at home. If you're not in a room you can close the lights, or you would be wasting energy and money. Switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. We can reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle. All these could slowly decrease or stop climate change.
We need to start thinking about the next generation. If we don't act now the next generation would need to clean up the mess that we made. So why not start doing it and then let humans suffer?
    Now we know how humans can act differently to avoid climate change. In short, we could change the world if we start doing this. In conclusion, we humans must act on climate change.

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