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Climate Change Resources

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Climate Change


Climate change is caused by extreme conditions when the earth gets too warm, ice starts to melt, and flooding happens. To reduce gas emissions being put into the atmosphere, we can start using clean energy sources such as solar and wind power. improving technology to save energy, and plant more trees to absorb these harmful gasses. Using better methods for transportation like using more electric than gas cars. The governments are able to enforce pollution regulations reducing the amount of gas that's released into our atmosphere. Individuals can contribute to this by conserving energy, resources, recycling, and making environmentally friendly choices. By adopting cleaner transportation like electric vehicles and public transit, the emissions from vehicles are greatly reduced. Sustainable practices like organic farming and reduced fertilizer use can lower greenhouse gas emissions. Government policies and regulations play a big role in controlling these emissions like the pollution standards mentioned earlier. By spreading awareness, it increases and improves the public's understanding of climate change and how harmful it's starting to become for the planet. Investing in research and development for clean energy technologies accelerates the transition to a low carbon economy. Also, encouraging innovation in carbon capture and storage technologies can further reduce emissions from industrial processes. Promoting sustainable land management preserves carbon sinks like forests and wetlands. Transitioning to a circular economy model minimizes waste and reduces emissions associated with production and consumption. Addressing deforestation and promoting reforestation efforts restore ecosystems and help maintain carbon dioxide levels. The governments can incentivize emission reductions through carbon pricing mechanisms and emissions programs. Public infrastructure investments in renewable energy support these goals. By implementing these measures we can very easily reduce these harmful gasses and use the proper resources to control climate change and save our planet.
https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/wha … ate-change

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