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Clean Development

The Millenium Development Goals, agreed to by every member country of the United Nations in 2000, call for the worldwide eradication of poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality and huge improvements in health by 2015: two years ago!!

Can we do this without making the planet warmer?

Let's think big and imagine how we can confront the climate crisis in a way that is realistic about the other major problems that we face as a planet and as a species on it.

Clean Development >

Save the Earth


There are multiple different ways that we can keep our environment clean, but one of the biggest ways is simply throwing away or recycling your trash. Many people don’t actually realize how much trash ruins the environment and how much it kills animals. The United States alone produces 268 million tons of waste each year, 140 million of it going into landfills. Each American throws away about 1,200 pounds of organic waste each year, meaning we only recycle about 67.2 million tons of a possible 267.8 million. Animals are also innocent victims affected by litter. Over one million animals die each year just from trash pollution alone. 60% of water pollution is also attributed to litter. At least 100,000 fish and other marine animals die from plastic pollution per year. The American society can set up many clean development systems that the citizens can follow. This will help lower the percentage of the amount of pollution. In having a good system in which the recyclables actually get recycled and disposed of properly, we can save the wildlife and our planet as a whole. Cleaning up the environment is critical, it preserves our biosphere, and helps preserve the earth's natural resources. If you don’t know what we should be recycling; we should always recycle our water bottles, newspapers, mixed paper, magazines, cardboard, plastic drink bottles, plastic product bottles, aluminum cans, and even our clothes. We should also always throw our trash away in the trash bins to keep our planet clean. Using more wind turbines and solar panels to power buildings and using more public transportation and electric trains can also reduce carbon a lot. On this earth we have to take care of eachother and put our own personal wants aside. We all can make an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and make the world a better place.

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