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Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused?

The ISCFC is all about reducing our individual and collective contributions to climate change.

But is climate change really happening? Is it mostly caused by human activity, including our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

In the United States and elsewhere, there are people who are not convinced by the science. But the great thing about science is that we use evidence to evaluate scientific questions. So what is the evidence related to climate change?

Are you or are you not convinced by the majority of climate scientists who say that climate change is real and largely human caused? Why are you convinced/not convinced? What evidence might change your mind one way or the other?

Is Climate Change Real & Human-Caused? >

Climate change is real.


Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.
Climate change is real there are multiple sources and pieces of evidence that prove it is real. According to nasa.gov there is scientific evidence that is discovered each day that is affecting the earth’s climate. Many factors affect climate change such as burning fossil fuels, using a lot of plastic and not recycling it, car emissions, etc. All of these things contribute to heating the earth and messing with the earth's atmosphere. The changing in the atmosphere brings along many effects such as warmed ocean basins, melting glaciers, changing extreme temperatures, and a lot more. Other factors that increase carbon emissions are waste such as plastic bottles, non reusable bags, school lunch trays etc. Switching from styrofoam trays to ones that can be reused and washed would get rid of all the waste thrown away everyday. While buying enough plastic trays for each kid would be costly at first, the schools will save money because they are a one time purchase. Reusable water bottles would be a good fix if all or at least a majority of people switched over and didn’t use plastic. We would decrease the amount of plastic being put into landfills. As well as decrease the amount of plastic being burned down and put into our atmosphere. Plastic bags have both their pros and cons. Some of the pros are that people can reuse them to pick up dog poop. People can also put other stuff in them for storage, or use to line trash containers. But they also have many cons because just like plastic bottles a lot of people just throw them away leading to them also ending up in landfills and going back into the atmosphere, creating more climate change. While only 12% of waste is plastic, it is still a good idea to reuse plastic items more often. It is also a good idea to replace one time use products with their reusable counterparts. This way the plastic waste will be cut down. If we can find greener solutions to everyday problems, the world will be a cleaner place in no time.

* science.nasa.gov
* Why can’t our school use reusable trays – The Mentor
* Plastic waste in the U.S. - statistics & facts - Statista

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