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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wasteful Wants and Needs


While wants and needs are very different things, the line between them can sometimes get blurred. For example, we need to eat, but we may want to eat some foods over others, foods that might be more expensive or harder to come by. There is also the distinction of what we feel the need to do rather than what we actually need to do. For example, we may feel the need to drive ourselves to school, work, or extracurricular activities, when there are so many other, more sustainable transportation options to use if we even really need to get there at all.
When it comes down to it, the only things we, as humans, really need are food, water, shelter, rest, and breathable air. Everything else, from modern conveniences and appliances to fast fashion to social media, is all an add-on. Because of our society today, however, we have greatly heightened the importance of these “add-ons”, shifting our perspective of these wants into needs. To truly only have what we need, we would have to alter our society as a whole.
However, once we recognize this, there are several steps we can take to slightly tone down our wants, and incorporate them more into our needs. For example, buying organic and locally sourced food, especially food that is in season, can show support for farmers using a smaller carbon footprint. Walking and/or biking instead of driving, and using public transportation as much as possible helps reduce your carbon emissions greatly. While social media can obviously be fun, reducing time spent on electronics impacts your carbon energy footprint a great deal. And even though fast fashion can come with social pressure and it may feel necessary to buy all new clothes, thrifting and making do with what you already have is a very beneficial choice for the environment. Even small things, such as buying larger tubes of toothpaste instead of a ton of travel-sized tubes to reduce plastic waste, buying deodorant in a non-plastic container instead of using your favorite brand that comes in plastic, and saving snacks such as chips in a one-serving-sized plastic bag for special occasions, and instead eating less heavily packaged, healthier food that will do a better job filling you up and reduce the packaging waste.
It’s never easy to sacrifice wants, and it can be hard at times to distinguish them from needs in the moment, but if we all tried doing just one thing to cut down on our unnecessary indulgences, our world, and our society, would be wanting and needing less from us.

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